《J.K羅琳的魔法王國:珍奇異獸百寶箱》立體書J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World: A Pop-Up Gallery of Curiosities | 做自己 - 2024年7月

《J.K羅琳的魔法王國:珍奇異獸百寶箱》立體書J.K. Rowling’s Wizarding World: A Pop-Up Gallery of Curiosities

作者:Warner Bros.


  J.K. 羅琳的魔法世界充滿了各式奇珍異寶。舉例來說,哈利波特與榮恩一起坐的飛天車、《哈利波特》中會唱歌說話的分類帽、《怪獸與牠們的產地》中裝滿各種怪物的魔法皮箱等…。 《J.K羅琳的魔法王國:珍奇異獸百寶箱》是本小巧精緻的立體書,內頁將《哈利波特》電影中的怪奇珍寶用3D立體方式呈現。書中還包含萬眾期待並即將上映《怪獸與牠們的產地》電影的兩個相關立體場景。讓我們拉開各種翻頁機關,一起循線揭開魔法世界新篇章。重點是,麻瓜們,你敢打開它嗎?

  J.K. Rowling's Wizarding World is full of magical curiosities: a flying car, a hat that sings, an enchanted case, and so much more. This small, deluxe pop-up book showcases three-dimensional renderings of some of the beloved curiosities from the Harry Potter films, including two pops related to the upcoming Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Pull out flaps will feature text that delves into the items on each spread and how they were achieved in the films.


  This book will have doors that open from the middle of the front cover, a sturdy magnetic closure, and elastic loops to hold each pop firmly in place making it a perfect stand-alone display.

