5 Steps to Looking Younger: A Practical Step-by-step Guide to Anti-ageing | 做自己 - 2024年7月

5 Steps to Looking Younger: A Practical Step-by-step Guide to Anti-ageing

作者:James, Rohan

Since the beginning of time, humans have searched for the fountain of youth, the secret to immortality and anti ageing secrets. There have always been hopes and rumors that someone has discovered the "secret" of how to slay the demon of human ageing and many have gone to extreme lengths to find the elixir of eternal youth. It has been said that before Alexander the Great's death in 323 BC that he had been searching for a river that healed the ravages of old age and probably the most famous "exploration" for eternal youth was 16th-century Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon, who allegedly thought it would be found in what is now known as Florida, USA There seems to be no end to the lengths to which we will go to find that elusive elixir of youth. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 15.1 million cosmetic plastic surgery procedures performed in the USA in 2014, a 77% increase over the previous decade. While the anti ageing industry based on potions, lotions and surgical procedures pushes through the $300 billion mark per annum globally, one very important scientific discovery has been seriously overlooked in the anti-ageing arena since it was first "proven scientifically" over 100 years ago. Finally, "The Real Fountain of Youth", the cosmetic companies don't want you to know about, is being released to the public in its entirety...

I have always been fascinated with human psychology and human performance and my relentless determination for excellence has led me on a fascinating journey over the past 25 years, researching and treating myself as a human "guinea pig", as I strived for the maximum potential. Over this time, I have studied, researched and trialed theories and practical methods from Western Psychology, Quantum Mechanics, World Religions, Sacred Geometry, Various Shamanic Cultures, Indian and Chinese Philosophies, Yoga and Qi Gong. My studies continue and never cease to fascinate me, as I continue to learn more about humans and our potential. However, what is most exciting is that I and my clients have proven over and over, the very real fact that Napoleon Hill revealed in his famous book Think and Grow Rich, "whatever the mind of man can conceive and bring itself to believe it can achieve", or in my words and experience, "anything is possible to a mind that is open to that possibility".
