金字塔英語背誦范文精華(高級篇) | 做自己 - 2024年7月




特色速覽金字塔背誦法1.我愛我家 生活是一所全日制學校1.1 The Art of Living 生活的藝術1.2 The Girl Living on Mango Street 芒果街的女孩1.3 A Letter to Our Daughter 寫給女兒的一封信1.4 Girls Making a Difference女孩可以有所成就1.5 Letters to His Son寫給兒子的信1.6 Lessons from My Wagon 旅行車課堂1.7 If I Were a Boy Again如果我再次成為一個小男孩1.8 Light and Dark 光與暗1.9 Mother』s Day and Father』s Day母親節和父親節1.10 Living Optimistically 樂觀地生活小練習 Papa 爸爸2.情感語錄 世界很大,幸好有你2.1 A Forever Friend 永遠的朋友2.2 Happiness 幸福2.3 Loneliness 寂寞2.4 The Precious Gift 珍貴的禮物2.5 The Choice of Friends 選擇朋友2.6 An Unconditional Caring 無條件的關愛2.7 Being Loved Without Meriting 愛無關值得與否2.8 I Like for You to Be Still 我喜歡你是寂靜的2.9 The Way to Happiness幸福之路2.10 When Love Visits You當愛來臨2.11 Love with an Open Hand 愛,就放手2.12 The Most Valuable Possessions on Earth 世界上寶貴的財富小練習 Constant Miss 繾綣思戀3.成長與學習 仰望天空的倔強3.1 To Choose a Good Book選一本好書3.2 Make Friends with Books與書為友3.3 Memory 記憶3.4 At the Beginning 剛剛開始3.5 The Dream—pursuing Girl 追夢女孩3.6 The Art of Social Skills 社交藝術3.7 「Packaging」 a Person 人的包裝3.8 To Soar Freely 自由飛翔3.9 Let Your Fears Go放下恐懼3.10 Excellence Is a Habit是一種習慣3.11 Gratitude 感激3.12 Happiness 快樂3.13 The Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效應小練習 Dancing as You Like 縱情地起舞4.成功與失敗 生命掌握在自己手中4.1 Ambition 抱負4.2 Wind and Rain 風雨兼程4.3 No Mask 展露真實4.4 Of Adversity 論苦難4.5 Move On to the Next Thing繼續前行4.6 Now Is the Only Time We Have生命掌握在自己手里4.7 Extend the Miracle 發揮潛力,創造無限4.8 The Meaning of Failure 失敗的意義4.9 Make Full Use of the Opportunity 善待機會4.10 You Can』t Name Failure 失敗沒有定義4.11 Dreaming 夢想4.12 Perseverance 鍥而不舍4.13 Victors Decide the History 勝者主宰歷史4.14 Live in the Present 活在當下小練習 No One Can Stop Me 戰無不勝5.名人榜樣 千燈萬盞,不如心燈一盞5.1 Golden Rules to Young People from Bill Gates 比爾· 蓋茨致青年的黃金准則5.2 Thirteen Names of Virtues 十三項美德5.3 Einstein』s View of Life 愛因斯坦論人生5.4 Have a Big Dream and Go Forth 心懷大志,勇往直前5.5 A Great Friendship 的友誼5.6 Ask More Questions and Listen Carefully 多問問題,仔細聆聽5.7 Family Creed 家族的信條5.8 Martin Luther King, Jr., an Inspirational Leader 馬丁· 路德· 金,一位充滿激情的領袖5.9 Winston Churchill: His Other Life 溫斯頓· 丘吉爾:生活側記5.10 Tribute to Diana 致戴安娜5.11 Matisse, the Greatest Painter of Classical Art 馬蒂斯,古典藝術的畫家5.12 The Life of Beethoven貝多芬的一生小練習 Picasso, the Youngest Painter 畢加索,年輕的畫家6.知名演講 來自名人的聲音6.1 In Obedience to the Public Summons 遵從民眾的呼喚6.2 The Prize for All Americans諾貝爾和平獎屬於全體美國人6.3 Duty, Honor, Country 責任、榮譽、國家6.4 I Will Always Stand on the Side of the Egg我會永遠站在雞蛋這邊6.5 Discover Yourself 發現自己6.6 We Choose to Go to the Moon我們選擇登月6.7 Principles of Research探索的動機6.8 Making a Joint Effort in a Concerted Way 同心協力6.9 Faith in China』s Economy 對中國經濟的信心6.10 Follow My Conscience跟隨良知的指引6.11 Embrace the New Season 擁抱新時代6.12 We Shall Fight on the Beaches戰斗在海灘小練習 A Land of New Promise 創造充滿新希望的國土7.名段 有些經典,雋永流傳7.1 A Tale of Two Cities 雙城記7.2 I Have as Much Soul as You我和你一樣7.3 The Call of the Wild野性的呼喚7.4 Tomorrow Is Another Day 明天又是新的一天7.5 Redemption of Uncle Tom 湯姆叔叔的救贖7.6 Little Prince Is Unique 一千個人眼中有一千個「小王子」7.7 A Strange Encounter of Oliver 孤兒奇遇7.8 A Walden Hermit』s Thoughts瓦爾登湖畔的隱居遐想7.9 The Price of Dignity 尊嚴的代價7.10 Three Days to See假如給我三天光明7.11 Dublin 都柏林小練習 A Meeting on the Isolated Island孤島會議8.智慧文學 在語言家園里詩意棲居8.1 Art and Life 藝術與生命8.2 Serenity 平靜8.3 Live a Wonderful Life活出精彩8.4 We Live in Time 時間的洪流8.5 Greet This Day with Love in My Heart 用全身心的愛來迎接今天8.6 What I Have Lived for 我為何而生8.7 Of Studies 論讀書8.8 What Is Immortal論不朽8.9 The Splashes of Life 生命的漣漪8.10 Youth 青春8.11 On Love論愛8.12 Our Love Is Simple as a Song 單純如歌的愛情8.13 On Changes 論變化8.14 The Human Seasons 人生四季小練習 Life Is a Chess—Board 人生是盤棋9.文化剪影 邂逅美的遠方9.1 Tea Culture Around the World世界各地的茶文化9.2 This Is New York 這就是紐約9.3 Sports in America美式運動9.4 Sports in Britain英國的體育運動9.5 The World Cup足球世界杯9.6 Christmas in the UK 英式聖誕節9.7 The American Way of Marriage 美國人的婚禮習俗9.8 Elysee Palace 法國愛麗舍宮9.9 Spotlight on Athens 古城雅典風情9.10 The Fairy—Tale Castle of Mad King Ludwig 令國王痴迷的童話城堡9.11 Osaka Style 大阪魅力9.12 Veian Vacation 浪漫水都威尼斯小練習 Chinese Qipao 中國的旗袍……10.親近自然 珍惜每一朵花開的芬芳11.流行話題 現代人的生活攻略12.科技奇觀創新,永不止步附錄金字塔黃金范文三則
