中國特色大國外交與「一帶一路」:英文 | 做自己 - 2024年7月



主要包括Grasping the General Trend, and Keeping Pace with the Times、Building a New Type of International Relations with Mutually Beneficial Cooperation at the Core、The Strategic Belt and Road Irutiative、The Belt and Road Initiative is in keeping with the theme of our times、The Belt and Road Initiative is based on the global situation、The Belt and Road Irutiative takes into account,the actual circumstances of the world economy、The Belt and Road Initiative consists of public goods that China offers to the entire world等。吳建民(1939—2016),現任外交部外交政策咨詢委員會委員,國務院參事室特約研究員,上海國際問題研究中心主席,歐洲科學院院士、副院長,歐亞科學院院士,國際展覽局名譽主席等。曾任中國駐法國大使,中國外交學院院長,中國國際關系學會常務副會長,全國政協外委會副主任,全國政擠副秘書長兼新聞發 言人等職。他於2003-2007年任國際展覽局主席,是第一位中國人、第一位亞洲人、第一位來自發展中國家的人士擔任這一重要職務。2003年榮獲法國希拉克總統授予的榮譽勛級會大將軍勛章。

Grasping the General Trend, and Keeping Pace with the Times Building a New Type of International Relations with Mutually Beneficial Cooperation at the Core The Strategic Belt and Road Irutiative 1.The Belt and Road Initiative is in keeping with the theme of our times. 2.The Belt and Road Initiative is based on the global situation. 3.The Belt and Road Iru.tiative takes into account, the actual circumstances of the world economy. 4.The Belt and Road Init/ative consists of public goods that China offers to the entire world. 5.The main builders of the Belt and Road are enterprises. 6.Mutually benefiacial cooperation must be upheld in our efforts to build the Belt and Road.
