Album for the Young, Op. 68 - Schumann | 做自己 - 2024年7月

Album for the Young, Op. 68 - Schumann

作者:Schumann, Robert/ Samwise Publishing (COR)

Robert Schumann's "Album for the Young, Op. 68", edited by Clara Schumann. This edition contains the following 43 pieces of music: 1. Melodie (help-info) (Melody), C major 2. Soldatenmarsch (Soldiers' march), G major 3. Tr llerliedchen (Humming song), C major 4. Ein Choral (Chorale), G major 5. St ckchen (A little piece), C major 6. Armes Waisenkind (The poor orphan), A minor 7. J gerliedchen (Hunting song), F major 8. Wilder Reiter (The wild rider), A minor (More commonly known as The Wild Horseman) 9. Volksliedchen (Folk song), D minor 10. Fr hlicher Landmann, von der Arbeit zur ckkehrend (Happy farmer, returning from work), F major 11. Sizilianisch (Sicilienne), A minor 12. Knecht Ruprecht, A minor 13. Mai, lieber Mai (May, sweet May), E major 14. Kleine Studie (Little etude), G major 15. Fr hlingsgesang (Spring song), E major 16. Erster Verlust (First loss), E minor 17. Kleiner Morgenwanderer (Little morning wanderer), A major 18. Schnitterliedchen (The reaper's song), C major 19. Kleine Romanze (Little romance), A minor 20. L ndliches Lied (Rustic song), A major 21. * * * (untitled), C major (based on Prison-Terzetto ("Euch werde Lohn in bessern Welten") from Beethoven's Fidelio) 22. Rundgesang (Roundelay), A major 23. Reiterst ck (The horseman), D minor 24. Ernteliedchen (Harvest song), A major 25. Nachkl nge aus dem Theater (Echoes from the theatre), A minor 26. * * * (untitled), F major 27. Kanonisches Liedchen (A little canon), A minor 28. Erinnerung (4 November 1847) (Remembrance), A major (the date of Felix Mendelssohn's death) 29. Fremder Mann (The stranger), D minor 30. * * * (untitled), F major 31. Kriegslied (Song of war), D major 32. Sheherazade, A minor 33. Weinlesezeit - fr hliche Zeit (Gathering of the grapes - happy time ), E major 34. Thema (Theme), C major 35. Mignon, E-flat major 36. Lied italienischer Marinari (Italian mariners' song), G minor 37. Matrosenlied (Sailors' Song), G minor 38. Winterzeit I (Wintertime I), C minor (sometimes considered one piece with Wintertime II) 39. Winterzeit II (Wintertime II), C minor/C major 40. Kleine Fuge (Little fugue), A major 41. Nordisches Lied (Northern Song - Salute to G.), F major (dedicated to Niels Gade; it is based on the cryptogram G-A-D-E) 42. Figurierter Choral (Figured chorale), F major 43. Sylvesterlied (New Year's Eve), A major This edition is a reprint of the " Breitkopf & H rtel" version.
