Yoga for Transformation: Beyond Asana Into Awareness | 做自己 - 2024年7月

Yoga for Transformation: Beyond Asana Into Awareness

作者:Eykel Cht, Kristen

Yoga for Transformation - Beyond Asana Into Awareness is a 6 week program for Yogis, meditators and spirit seekers who desire to begin a practice or deepen one. Learn how to imbue new empowered concepts and ideas easily and simply into your everyday life with only 5 minutes every morning. Imagine your stress levels dropping, better sleep, improved communication in your most important relationships. Building confidence and self-esteem into an Integrated Self. Creating more clarity within you and in your choices than you may have ever known before. Imagine that feeling that you love after a deep yoga or meditation practice staying with you throughout your entire day, rather than diminishing the moment you get back to your car. Imagine instead, that you can carry this feeling with you into every circumstance and situation for the rest of the day, developing a new experience of focus and of consistent well-being, even in scenarios that would normally leave you feeling stressed and anxious. How amazing would it feel to cultivate this so that it grows into becoming a new way of life, becoming a powerful new habit that supports and energizes you everyday in any situation? You know that a calm, confident, self-assured identity is magnetic, and this personal sense of confidence creates a deep self reliance and mastery that allows you to stay calm and balanced in every situation of life. Take what you sense really matters and put it into action so that you can finally know "YES, I am on my path doing exactly what I was born to do " Yoga for Transformation can completely reshape the balance of your life. From stress and fatigue to energized awareness and abundant creativity. From stagnation and feeling trapped in a loop, to finally breaking free to establish yourself in ways that have up till now, felt stuck at the dream or planning stage for far too long. Yoga for Transformation is a life practice, one rooted in the ancient science of yoga but integrated for a throughly modern approach. Learn to expand that space that you feel on the mat, and carry it forward into every aspect of your life off of it. Reimagine life as it is, to one you deeply desire it to be, then create the foundation and the framework to achieving it. In only 42 days, you create a new habit of excellence by breaking the old habits that actively prevent it. Yoga for Transformation is a cellular, soul-level practice that generates a cohesive body, mind and spirit. Only when you create this solid triumvirate state, can your inner foundation be strong. Invest in your self, in your health and your wellbeing for the long haul. Recreate your life from the inside out, and create not just a new way of thinking, but an entirely new habitual way of Being. Yoga for Transformation Practitioners report the benefits of: * Increased Intuition * Feelings of being present in daily life, not just watching it pass by * Improved communication in relationships * Greater sense of self-mastery * The ability to understand what they truly want, and how to create the roadmap to get there. The secret is, the world that you want to inhabit already lives within you. Becoming aware of it helps you to achieve it. This system is a potent combination of yoga and hypnotherapy techniques combined to awaken awareness in your life, so that you become the creator of it. Specific, layered affirmations with yoga mudra, breath-work, meditations, and a journaling practice combined every day for 42 days: - Overcome bad habits - Unlock feelings of possibility - Release beliefs of lack or limitation - Awaken your knowing of what truly matters most in your life - YOU.

Kristen Eykel CHt.- Since her teenage years, Kristen has followed the voice within. It has led her to become a jet-set Supermodel in Paris, TV Host, Kundalini Yogi, Author, Shaman, Reiki Master Teacher, and Certified Hypnotherapist. Combining decades of training, Kristen Eykel is a Spiritual Teacher and engaging Public Speaker who shares unique insights on how to create a purpose-filled life. She was a VH1 VJ, hosted shows for CNN International, Court TV, E! Entertainment, the Oprah Winfrey Channel, and shares Mom Ed: Green Living on You Tube. Kristen teaches at the Science and NonDuality Conference, the Sedona Yoga Festival, The Yoga Expo LA among other events. She has appeared on the cover and in the pages of numerous publications worldwide, such as Yoga Journal, Health, Fit Pregnancy, The Chicago Tribune, plus radio, TV & online interviews for her unique expertise. In 2014, she founded Sacred Circle Teachings - a physical & spiritual Yoga, Hypnosis & Reiki training academy designed to empower the teachers of tomorrow with the sacred knowledge of all time. Her devoted and loyal following fill her yearlong Mentorship program, Awesomeness Training, and assist Kristen’s personal mission to unite the world in joyous Soul awareness and conscious evolution for all. She is the proud mother of two home birthed kids who inspire her with the true meaning of Yoga - trust and strength, honesty and balance, her daily aspiration and inspiration. Find out more at
