金字塔英語背誦范文精華(基礎篇) | 做自己 - 2024年7月



「金字塔英語背誦範文精華」系列共兩冊,即《金字塔英語背誦範文精華》(基礎篇)、《金字塔英語背誦範文精華》(不錯篇),這是一套有方法有實踐的背誦好書,針對不同階段英語學習者的實際情況,按照循序漸進的學習原則,精心選取了適合背誦的英語範文經典,彙編成基礎篇和不錯篇兩本分冊,供讀者選擇、學習。其中基礎篇涵蓋智慧箴言、名家忠告、詩語人生、幽默短篇等內容,不錯篇包括情感語錄、名人榜樣、知名演講、名著片段等角度,每本書皆按照由易到難的順序進行編排,更符合英語學習的基本規律。書中所選範文取材廣泛,短小精悍,易讀易記,是讀者模仿、背誦的語言精品。另外本系列叢書將獨具特色的金字塔背誦法融入英語範文之中,指導讀者從單詞輕鬆過度到背出完整英文,讓讀者背得明白、記得高效,輕鬆背出好英文! 張元婧,女,新銳編輯,具備深厚的英文語言功底,致力於英語編輯工作。曾參與編譯過由中國水利水電出版社出版的《優選很好時尚零距離:愛時尚樂英文》、科學出版社出版的《震撼人生·勵志成長篇》以及北京航空航天大學出版社出版的《哈佛演講·喚醒你心中的巨人》。

特色速覽金字塔背誦法1小故事,大智慧11 Swallow Your Tears 吞下眼淚00212 Nothing 什麼也不做00413 The Tree 樹00614 Why Do You Want to Know 你為什麼想知道00815 So Long As I Get Somewhere終有去處01016 Bugs Trapped in Amber 困在琥珀里的蟲子01217 Mimic 模仿01418 What Is the Purpose of All This 這一切的目的何在01619 Everything Moved Me 一切皆可打動我018110 I Hate Seeing You Sad我不願見你悲傷020小練習 Forget Time 把時間放在身后0222有些台詞,念念不忘21 One Is Always on Strange Road 一個人總要走陌生的路02622 Silver Linings Playbook 烏雲背后的幸福線02823 Titanic 泰坦尼克號03024 Today Is Called Present 今天是禮物03225 Protect Your Dreams 守護夢想03426 Happiness Is about Each Tiny Wish Come True幸福是每個小願望的達成03627 Love Only Happen Once 真愛只發生一次03828 Try Everything 嘗試一切04029 Endure Defeat 忍受失敗042210 You Are My Family 你就是我的家人044211 We Pledge Our Word 與子成說046212 Life of Pi 少年派的奇幻漂流048小練習 The Climb Is All There Is 攀爬才是生活的全部0503親情滿屋31 Twenty-Three Times 23 次05432 I Understand You Love Me 我知你愛我05633 Little Scraps of Wisdom 智慧的碎片05834 Family and Friendship 親情與友情06035 Carry with You 與子偕行06236 Know Each Other』s Hearts 心有靈犀06437 Have Incredible Fortune 幸甚至哉06638 Home 家06839 To Be a Parent 身為家長070310 My Father 父親072311 My Grandmother 奶奶074312 Let Go of Parents 放手離開父母076313 Children, the World Center 孩子,世界的中心078小練習 My Dad When I Was 爸爸,當我……0804朋友,幸好有你41 Red Balloon 紅氣球08442 Best Friend Forever 一生摯友08643 Knock at a Friend』s Door 訪友08844 Friends Turn Your World Around朋友改變你的世界09045 Make Heart Run Over 情誼濃濃09246 Pour out the Contents of One』s Heart 傾吐內心09447 Respect and Trust 尊重和信任09648 Friendship Is a Tremendous Thing 友誼非比尋常09849 Always Be Friend 永遠的朋友100410 The Only Listener 唯一的聽眾102411 Sun and Moon 太陽與月亮104412 A Faraway Friend 遠方的朋友106小練習 Appreciate Your Friends 感謝朋友1085愛情暖色調51 You Are My Sunshine 你是我的陽光11252 I Love You 我愛你11453 Nobody Can Stop Me Loving You 我愛你,無人可擋11654 The Marriage Has Never Lost the Romance 婚姻保鮮劑11855 Be Told That I Am Loved 愛需表達12056 Love Sonnets (Excerpt) 愛的十四行詩(節選)12257 How Lucky I Am幸運如我12458 1℃ Love 1℃的愛12659 Marriage Rules 婚姻法則128小練習 A Letter to Future Husband給未來的丈夫1306藏在世間的美好61 The Beginning of Fairies 精靈之源13462 People Who Have Nothing Still Give 一無所有,奉獻所有13663 Behind Your Story 故事背后13864 Not All That Important 沒那麼重要14065 After a Long Winter 長冬之后14266 Run Through the Rain在雨里奔跑14467 I Am Nothing Special 我不特別14668 May Your Day Be as Special as You Are 願你的每一天都很特別14869 The Pursuit of Happiness 追求幸福150610 Are You the One 你是那個人嗎152611 If You Tame Me 如果馴服了我154612 Smile in Front of Your Love 微笑待人156613 Mirror, What Do I See 鏡子,我看到了什麼158小練習 The Tree Is Happy 樹很幸福1607發現,遠方71 The Peacefulness of Sunday 周日的寧靜16472 The Loveliness of Sea 海洋魅力16673 Enjoy Yourself 盡享愉悅16874 The Billows Smooth and Bright 粼粼碧波盪漾17075 Seattle 西雅圖17276 Climb the Mountain 登山17477 The Voice of Blossoming 花開有聲17678 Happiness of Sunrise 日出的幸福17879 Forests Have Their Own Personality森林有別180小練習 In Love with This World 熱愛世界1828光陰,一去不復返81 I Am Tomorrow明日的我18682 If You Knew What Was Going to Happen若是你早已知曉未來18883 Time Waiting for Me 等我的時間19084 Aging Is Not Just Decay 衰老不只是衰減19285 World Will Come to a Complete End世界終會終結19486 Living Life Over 若有來生19687 Nothing Else than Now唯有當下19888 Life Has Become the Future未來即生活20089 Grown-Ups Love Figures 大人鍾愛數字202810 What I Learned in Kindergarten 幼兒園里學到的……204小練習 Life Without Timekeeping 生活無時間2069追夢,在路上91 Being Adaptable隨機應變21092 True Courage 勇往直前21293 Today Is an Opportunity 今天是一個機會21494 Always Have a Dream永懷夢想21695 Failure and Success 失敗與成功21896 Who Moved My Cheese 誰動了我的奶酪22097 Dreams Make Me Successful 夢想助我成功22298 Promise Yourself對自己的承諾22499 Dripping Water Wears Away a Stone 滴水穿石226910 A Full-Time School Called Life 生活是一所全日制學校228911 Theft, the Only One Sin 盜竊是唯一罪行230912 Cannot Be Ugly 不再丑陋232小練習 Dream Will Come True 夢想終有成真時23410詩語人生101 A Grain of Sand一粒沙子238102 Dreams 夢想240103 Never Give Up 永不放棄242104 Dance as You Like 縱情起舞244105 If I Could Catch a Rainbow 如果我能留住彩虹246106 I Go Down to the Shore 我走向海灘248107 Conquer Myself 征服自己250108 The Voice 心聲252小練習 I Wish You Enough 望你知足常樂25411聽,名人如是說111 Steer Yourself in Any Direction You Choose 走自己的路258112 But Not You而非你260113 You』d Better Be Running 你最好開始奔跑262114 Have People Trust You 取信於人264115 Watch Your Words 謹言266116 Strong Because of Weakness 因弱而強268117 Go Along Easy in the World 愜意生活270118 Choose the Best 最好的選擇272119 Give Up or Get Up 雄起?放棄? 2741110 Life Is Too Short to Go Through 生命太短暫,不能空手過2761111 Why Me 為什麼是我2781112 Long Walk to Freedom 漫漫自由路2801113 Overcome Adversity困境崛起2821114 Define Your Character 角色定義284小練習 Employ Your Time Well 合理安排時間28612讀書,為更好的自己121 Books Are Subjected to Inquiry 探尋書意290122 Start Reading開始閱讀292123 No Enjoyment like Reading 讀書至趣294124 A Terrific Friend 知己296125 Reader of Himself 閱讀自己298126 Become a Reader 讀者300127 Sheer Enjoyment 極致享受302128 Books Are Good Company 書籍是最好的陪伴304小練習 The Book Preserves You 書中留影306附錄 金字塔黃金范文四則308
