TOEFL徐實戰問題 基礎寫作 | 做自己 - 2024年5月

TOEFL徐實戰問題 基礎寫作


1.在最短時間內學會托福寫作,充分理解並融會貫通。2.完全依照托福考試標準,建立基本而重要的托福寫作概念。3.掌握寫作的「整體質量」與「語言質量」,徹底打造應考實力。 4.「五段式」寫作技巧大公開,幫助讀者系統化學習,提昇寫作功力。5.精選托福考試必備知識,彙整「托福應考對策」,輕鬆奪取高分。作者簡介:陸乃聖上海對外貿易學院英語教授,英語碩士研究生導師,上海外文協會會員,上海翻譯家協會會員。多次榮獲上海對外貿易學院頒發的優秀教學成果獎和優秀科研究成果獎,1990年以訪問學者身分赴澳洲進行校際學術交流,1997年以訪問教授身分赴美國進行校際學術交流,1998年榮獲上海市大江優秀教師獎,同年載入美國American Biographical Institute公布的《世界五千名人錄》(5000 PERSONALITIES OF THE WORLD)。講授課程主要包括《英漢語言比析》、《英漢漢英互譯》、《英文閱讀與欣賞》、《英文修辭與寫作》、《托福TWE寫作技巧》、《托福辭彙與閱讀訓練》等等。主要代表作品包括《解釋性翻譯初探》、《英漢差異及翻譯》、《瘋女人──“簡愛”補遺》、《兒子與情人戀母情結小析》、《英文寫作速成訓練》、《英文導遊詞實用編寫教程》、《全新漢英詞典(經濟改革類)》、《美國英語和英國英語趣談300例》、《托福知識分類辭彙》、《托福作文突破》、《托福解析閱讀法》、《英語分類辭彙記憶與閱讀理解》系列叢書、《最新英語應用文大全》、《英文單詞魔術記憶》等書。

  PART 1.托福作文要求及評分標準(Requirements & Grading System)Unit 1 考試簡介Unit 2 評分標準Unit 3 作文要求Unit 4 具體指令  PART 2.如何確保作文整體質量(How to Guarantee the Overall Quality)Unit 1作文要切題Unit 2結構要嚴謹1.五段法Unit 3條理要清楚1.選擇題 2.比較題3.問答題Unit 4分段要合理1.三段法2.四段法3.多段法  PART 3. 如何確保作文語言質量 (How to Guarantee the Language Quality)Unit 1 避免出現低級錯誤(Avoid silly mistakes)Unit 2 避免出現句子結構錯誤(Avoid structure mistakes)Unit 3避免出現中文式英文(Avoid Chinglish)Unit 4避免出現使人誤解的錯誤(Avoid misleading mistakes)  PART 4.作文開頭怎麼寫(How to Begin Your Essay)Unit 1概述Unit 2相反觀點Unit 3作者觀點Unit 4三條理由  PART 5.文章主題怎麼擴展(How to Expand Your Idea)Unit 1主旨句Unit 2支撐句1.因果關係法2.對照法3.例證法  PART 6.作文最後怎麼結尾(How to Conclude Your Essay)Unit 1 語氣轉折(Transition)Unit 2措辭變換(Paraphrase)Unit 3內容杜撰(Fabrication)  PART 7.托福作文題200例(200 TOEFL TWE Essay Topics)Unit 1 命題原則Unit 2 作文例題  PART 8. 托福作文50例 (50 Exemplary TOEFL Essays)1. Qualities of a good neighbor2. I prefer to work for money3. The young can teach the older4. Causes of living longer5. Children should help with household tasks6. I use computers to type letters7. Smaller class size is preferable8. People are not satisfied with what they have9. Exploration of outer space10. Advantages of participating in school activities11. Clothes affect human behavior12. Euthanasia13. Sharing a room with a stranger in the university14. Plan for building a large factory near our community15. City life versus country life16. My favorite sport17. An important invention - TV 18. If I were director of a research program19. Teenagers should make their own decisions20. Plan for building a new university in our community21. Computer as gift22. Parents are the best teachers23. Buying with money and goods for goods24. I like to study at night25. I like to eat at home26. I prefer to travel by bike27. The best way of learning about life28. I don\’t think playing a game is fun only when you win29. The world would be a better place without automobiles30. People attend colleges for different reasons31. American movies tell a lot about America32. I don\’t judge a person by first impressions33. I like handmade products better34. I choose a house for practical purposes35. A person\’s early adulthood is most important36. I prefer to complain in writing about a product37. Advertising on TV is the most effective38. I want to persuade my foreign friends to learn Chinese39. I buy books to read40. I carefully plan activities for my free time41. I don\’t think people should read only books about real events42. My country is becoming more similar to other places in the world43. The tradition of respect for the old should be maintained44. I object to wearing school uniforms45. Differences between my generation and the older generation46. Famous athletes and entertainers are earning too much47. A classroom lesson should be enjoyable48. How children become adults49. It is better to study with a teacher than by oneself50. I oppose the building of a new shopping center in my neighborhood
