Empowerment Parenting: How to Raise Resilient Children Who Become Happy, Self-reliant Adults | 做自己 - 2024年7月

Empowerment Parenting: How to Raise Resilient Children Who Become Happy, Self-reliant Adults

作者:Mann, Stephanie L.

EMPOWER one child or a group of children Empowerment Parenting provides parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches and educators the tools to help youth become centered, responsible and self-aware. Young people recognize the power of bullies and abusers. However, they need to know how to discover their inner power to handle the slings and arrows of life. Adults CANNOT protect children at school, on the streets nor online but children can learn to protect themselves as they develop a self-protective conscience.The book contains 120 illustrations, stories and a 10-step adult guide. One hour a week can improve communication and give youth the self-confidence to stay safe and healthy. Children can learn how to handle anger, make the "maturity flip" and stay safe from bullies, drugs and other self-destructive behaviors. Teens will discover the power of their instincts and intuition. They learn to set goals and work with others. Every child can reach their potential if they know the beginning steps for achieving success. Children will share their stories and be less likely to keep secrets from parents, which will strengthen family bonds and build trust

Stephanie started working as a volunteer because her community had a crime wave.* Gradually, she became a crime-prevention specialist and coordinator in "high fear" neighborhoods and saw drug dealers, domestic violence, child abusers, gangs, and social decay, but at the same time, she saw children who were able to move beyond fear, bullies and abuse to excel in their chosen fields. She asked herself why some children struggle and fail while other kids excel under similar conditions. She found answers working with the homeless and started support groups, which included ex-felons. They wanted to know what they needed to change to stay out of prison. Stephanie worked with Pastor Flemon Henry in Oakland CA and learned what many homeless people never learned as children. Everyone shared stories and discussed solutions. Within three months, some of the homeless found jobs while others admitted they had a drug problem. We got them into drug rehab. As a result, Stephanie saw a critical need to help strengthen families when children are young and vulnerable. She developed this ten-step guidebook, which can help you find answers for your family. The key is self-awareness, which leads to self-discipline, self-control, and self-esteem. No matter what chaos has occurred in their lives, youth can succeed if they develop the three C’s: courage, character and conscience. When youth have the emotional tools to avoid anger and temptations, they grow strong from within and less likely to go down a self-destructive path. FOCUS ON PREVENTION to keep children safe and healthy. Parents and Grandparents can empower children so they learn how to stay emotionally centered! Adults can also help neighbors connect with each other. A network of caring adults can become mentors and keep children safe in neighborhoods. In this book...All "A Life Experience" stories are true! They are from Stephanie Mann’s experience and the people she worked with for thirty-five years. Their names have been changed to protect their identities.
