Spectrum: Heritage Patterns and Colours | 做自己 - 2024年7月

Spectrum: Heritage Patterns and Colours

作者:V&a (COR)/ Shaw, Ros Byam (INT)/ Hilderbrand, Caz (CON)

  室內設計師善於應用色彩影響人們強烈的情緒感受,正確地調配色調,則可以創造出符合當時的時代氛圍。本書作者蘿絲(Ros Byam shaw)為英國著名室內設計師,以經典英國古典風格著稱,彷彿讓你置身於《傲慢與偏見》的舞會或精巧的英式茶會。這本書挑選十五世紀以來經典的英式花紋,舉凡織面布料到牆上壁紙,詳盡的歷史源流與應用技巧;再搭配多幅具啟發性與實用價值的照片,提供讀者與設計師參考,可作為完善的工具書。

  本書透過編年史的方式及大篇幅,分析解釋圖騰代表背景與歷史故事,無私地分享給讀者,並搭配實際原圖,詳細的描述配色上的使用與設計理念;同時標註當代的印刷四分色(CMYK),讓設計師們可以輕鬆運用在自己的創作,更可以廣泛運用在室內裝潢、產品設計與平面設計等多種範疇。兩百四十幅全彩圖,絕對可以使讀者在設計的應用上,啟發更多靈感。(文 / 博客來編譯)

Interior decorators have long used specific colors and palettes to evoke strong moods--the right mix of browns, greens, and oranges can easily bring you back into the 1970s. Here, in this highly original and digestible book, color palettes from the fifteenth century onward are analyzed and explained by interior design specialist Ros Byam Shaw. The colors used in each wallpaper and fabric are presented in proportional grids, giving a clear understanding of the hues that have become emblematic of their era.Each wallpaper and fabric, carefully selected by Here Design from the V&A''s collection, is arranged chronologically with its own double-page spread with extended captions that explain the significance of the palette. A color grid is shown beside each pattern, in which the colors in the original piece are shown in proportion to their use, and with their CMYK references to enable designers to replicate these colors in their own work. The result is a book that offers fascinating insights into color that will be of interest and use to designers working today, whether specialists in interiors, products, or graphics. It will also appeal to a more general audience as a beautifully designed book that offers inspiration to those interested in interior design.
