Stay, Benson! | 做自己 - 2024年7月

Stay, Benson!

作者:Rowe, Thereza

Flick's dog, Benson, is a very good boy. He waits for her at home and he never chases anything . . . or so Flick thinks. One day, when Flick leaves for school, Benson chases a cat into the back garden, over the fence, and into the park, where he pursues a squirrel. A ball catches his eye and he follows it into the pond--and then he runs, dripping wet, through the middle of a picnic lunch, stealing a sausage. As the picnickers shout, "Go home, Benson ," he races back across town, darting through the back door just as Flick arrives home from school. "Have you been a good boy, Benson? Did you stay?" Flick asks. Only the reader really knows what Benson has been doing all day.Stay, Benson is beautifully designed, featuring bold graphic illustrations and die- cut pages that entice readers to chase Benson through the book. Author and illustrator Thereza Rowe's striking images hark back to a classic style of illustration, but use a bright color palette that keeps them fresh and contemporary. The fun, simple story gives children the thrill of being in on Benson's secret adventure.
