Shiva Mahavatar Babaji | 做自己 - 2024年9月

Shiva Mahavatar Babaji

作者:Churchill, Pola

In the Kumaon foothills of the Indian Himalayan mountains, where great saints and yogis of the past and present have made their ancestral homes since the beginning of creation, resides Shiva Mahavatar Babaji, known to millions in the West through Paramahansa Yogananda's book, Autobiography of a Yogi. In 1970, Shri Babaji, the deathless Master, appeared as a youth of 18 years old in a cave at the foot of Mount Kailash in the state of Samadhi. He displayed great wisdom and divine powers and was recognized by people as the great Mahavatar reincarnated. His coming was foretold both by saints and ancient scriptures. He came to reform the hearts and minds of men, uplift humanity during troubled times, and to teach and restore the Sanatan Dharma (eternal religion) of truth, simplicity, love, unity, and selfless service to God. (Karma Yoga). This book records His teachings and the extraordinary accounts of people's dreams, visions and encounters that bear witness to His omnipresence. This book is written with the intention for people to experience Babaji through these pages, so it will inspire you to investigate this fascinating Being for yourselves.

Pola Churchill is author of the books Shiva Mahavatar Babaji (1996) and Eternal Breath, A Biography of Leonard Orr -Founder Of Rebirthing Breathwork (2006). Pola has produced several videos on Rebirthing Breathwork and is currently producing a documentary on "Permanent Healing" -a series of interviews with "Healers and Lightworkers" from around the world, illustrating their alternative healing modalties. She is also currently writing a screenplay for a feature film. Pola is a light worker / healer, a Leonard Orr Rebirther Trainer, seminar leader, counselor, and Reiki Level 2 practitioner. She is Certified in Silver Mind Control, and Psychic Development. Pola has the ability to "see" energy patterns in the body, and assists people to remove and clear blocks to permanent healing on a cellular level. Pola facilitates sessions on DNA Activation and The Pituitary Gland Rejuvenation Technique, which reprograms the master gland to reverse the death hormone in the body and slow down the aging process, promoting youthing, longevity and rejuvenation. She is an immortalist, and teaches Physical Immortality. In 1991, and 1997, Pola was initiated into Kriya Yoga, by Paramahansa Yogananda’s Self Realization Fellowship in Los Angeles. She is a world traveler. She has healing practices in Beverly Hills, California - London, UK, and Sydney, Australia. Pola leads Leonard Orr’s famous Five and Nine Day Trainings and is available for individual sessions.
