Dream Stalker | 做自己 - 2024年6月

Dream Stalker

作者:Kerns, Sandra S.

Janine Chase, a reporter for a small newspaper in Northern Colorado, wakes up terrified. The killer who stalked her dreams when she lived in Philadelphia is back. He killed everyone close to her, almost. He didn't kill the man she loved, but he did kill the relationship. Her obsession with helping the police catch the killer nearly killed her as well. When she recovered, she moved halfway across the country in hopes of leaving it all behind. Philadelphia Detective Connor Dawson is dedicated to bringing in his brother's murderer. The problem is the trail went cold after he arranged a fake obituary for the reporter, Connor's ex-lover. The killer had been obsessed with her, and she with him. Connor knew the only way to keep her safe was to make the killer think she was dead. It worked for two years. But recently similar murders have popped up on his radar. The trail leads directly to where Janine relocated when she recovered from the killer's attack. Not a believer in coincidence, Connor fears the killer has found her again. As hard as it will be to see the woman responsible for his brother's death, he knows it would be worse to know she was dead and he could have stopped it.
