Satan As Barack Obama | 做自己 - 2024年7月

Satan As Barack Obama

作者:Kirk, Stephen

This book presents powerfully documented vignettes to the key end times questions of -Who is the Anti-Christ?, What does the 666 mean? What about America?- No other book provides the scriptural proof texting direct from the Greek and Hebrew to confirm that Obama is the Anti-Christ, the 666 represents the mindset of Socialism, and America is doomed to a nuclear holocaust. Luke 10:18 records Jesus stating -I beheld Satan as lightning...- which translates to -Satan as Barack...- in Hebrew. Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Christ, did so in a socialist rage against the inequalities of life and Jesus's acceptance of poverty. Finally, Isaiah chapter 18 describes the massive destruction of a nation matching the unique characteristics of the USA on 16 different points all ending with the bringing of -THE SHE- gift, the Bride of Christ, the Church to heaven.
