漢字速成課本:全2冊(第2版) | 做自己 - 2024年7月




第一課 Lesson One 1 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 1.象形字?Pictographic characters 2.筆畫(1):基本筆畫?Strokes (1): Basic strokes 3.筆順規則(1)?Rules of stroke order (1) 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 一切從「人」開始?Everything starts from「人」 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣學習漢字(1)——和學習英文有什麼不同? How to learn Chinese characters (1) — What』s the difference between Chinese character learning and English learning? 2 第二課 Lesson Two 11 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 1. 指事字?Indicative characters 2.筆畫(2):變形筆畫和依附筆畫 Strokes (2): Transformed and dependent strokes 3.筆順規則(2)?Rules of stroke order (2) 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 不一樣的筆畫,不一樣的漢字(1) Different strokes, different characters (1) 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(1)——「古字形」和「字形聯想」 How to memorize Chinese characters (1) —「Ancient glyphs」and 「Shape association」 3 第三課 Lesson Three 24 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 1.復合筆畫?Complex strokes 2.漢字的結構(1):獨體字 Structures of characters (1): Single-component characters 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 不一樣的筆畫,不一樣的漢字(2) Different strokes, different characters (2) 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(2)——「筆畫分析法」 How to memorize Chinese characters (2) —「Stroke analysis」 4 第四課 Lesson Four 34 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 1.會意字?Associative characters 2.漢字的結構(2):合體字 Structures of characters (2): Multi-component characters 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 不一樣的筆畫,不一樣的漢字(3) Different strokes, different characters (3) 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣寫好漢字?How to write beautiful characters 5 第五課 Lesson Five 44 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 1.形聲字?Pictophonetic characters 2.漢字的結構(3)?Structures of characters (3) 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 既可表意也可表音的偏旁?Radicals both phonetic and meaning 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(3)——「回憶默寫法」 (上) How to memorize Chinese characters (3) —「Write by recall」 (Part one) 6 第六課 Lesson Six 54 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 部件(1)?Components (1) 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 不一樣的位置,不一樣的點兒?Different position, different dot 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(4)——「回憶默寫法」 (下) How to memorize Chinese characters (4) —「Write by recall」 (Part two) 7 第七課 Lesson Seven 63 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 部件(2)?Components (2) 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 部件一樣的漢字?Characters with the same components 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(5)——利用部件和偏旁 How to memorize Chinese characters (5)—Using components and radicals 8 第八課 Lesson Eight 73 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 1.形旁(1)?Meaning radicals (1) 亻、彳、口、訁、女、人 2.漢字的結構(4)?Structures of characters (4) 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 字中字?Characters within characters 學習策略 Learning Strategy 學查字典?How to consult a Chinese dictionary 9 第九課 Lesson Nine 86 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 1.形旁(2)?Meaning radicals (2) 冫、氵、日、月、阝 2.漢字的結構(5)?Structures of characters (5) 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 形同但位置不同的形旁 The same meaning radical taking different positions 學習策略 Learning Strategy 漢語中字與詞的關系 Relationship between characters and words in Chinese 10 第十課 Lesson Ten 97 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 形旁(3) Meaning radicals (3) 木、手(扌)、糹(幺)、刀(刂、)、心(忄)、火(灬) 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 義同形不同的形旁 Meaning radicals of the same meaning taking different forms 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(6)——利用關鍵部件 How to memorize Chinese characters (6) — Using key component 11 第十一課 Lesson Eleven 109 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 形旁(4)?Meaning radicals (4) 辶、 、釒、飠、犭、目、、艹、 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 形象字?Graphic characters 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(7)?How to memorize Chinese characters (7) 12 第十二課 Lesson Twelve 120 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 形旁(5) Meaning radicals (5) 宀、;廣、;屍、戶;礻、衣(衤);欠、攵 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 夾心字?Sandwich characters 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(8) How to memorize Chinese characters (8) 13 第十三課 Lesson Thirteen 131 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 形旁(6) Meaning radicals (6) 土、石、山、身、耳、頁、馬、牛、羊、蟲、魚、鳥 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 合字?Compound characters 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(9)——利用科技工具和網絡資源 How to memorize Chinese characters (9) — Using technology tools and online resources 14 第十四課 Lesson Fourteen 142 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 形旁(7) Meaning radicals (7) 王、貝、皿、酉、車、舟、田、米、走、見、力、巾 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 「品」形字?Pyramid-shaped characters 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣記漢字(10)——復習 How to memorize Chinese characters (10) — Review 15 第十五課 Lesson Fifteen 152 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 聲旁(1) Phonetic radicals (1) 巴、馬、、可、方、青、及、艮、交、己、、舌、采、生、其 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 一旁多音?One phonetic radical with more than one sound 學習策略 Learning Strategy 聲旁與漢字的關系(1) The relationship between the phonetic radical and the character (1) 16 第十六課 Lesson Sixteen 157 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 聲旁(2) Phonetic radicals (2) 令、氐、監、羊、京、、扁、乙、果、侖、爭、平、包、比 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 聲旁位於形旁中間的形聲字 Pictophonetic characters with the phonetic radical in the middle of the meaning radical 學習策略 Learning Strategy 聲旁與漢字的關系(2) The relationship between the phonetic radical and the character (2) 17 第十七課 Lesson Seventeen 161 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 聲旁(3) Phonetic radicals (3) 古、良、吉、票、、、居、正、廷、曼、兌、且、相、岡 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 形似音近字?Characters with similar forms and sounds 學習策略 Learning Strategy 如何辨別形似音近字 How to distinguish characters from similar forms and sounds 18 第十八課 Lesson Eighteen 165 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 聲旁(4) Phonetic radicals (4) 隹、白、原、君、曷、竟、專、直、占、成、韋、、尤、曹 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 形似字(1)?Characters similar in form (1) 學習策略 Learning Strategy 如何辨別形似字 How to distinguish characters from similar forms 19 第十九課 Lesson Nineteen 169 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 多義字?Multi-meaning characters 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 形似字(2)?Characters similar in form (2) 學習策略 Learning Strategy 上下文的重要性?The importance of the context 20 第二十課 Lesson Twenty 174 漢字知識 Knowledge about Chinese Characters 多音多義字?Multi-phonetic and meaning characters 奇妙的漢字 The Wonder of Chinese Characters 多音同義字?Multi-phonetic characters with the same meaning 學習策略 Learning Strategy 怎樣學習漢字(2)?How to learn Chinese characters (2) 生字總表 180 形旁總表 193 聲旁總表 194
