Sinner’s Choice | 做自己 - 2024年7月

Sinner’s Choice

作者:Thomas, Denese

After a lengthy battle with heart disease, Mary Ellen Sutton embarks on a journey to Heaven. Never did she expect to encounter thousands of damned souls bound in chains and en route to Hell. Even more disturbing to learn are the traps that Satan laid for her while on earth. Heaven is a never-ending life of immeasurable joy. She and the other heirs walk on the bed of the Red Sea as did Moses and the Children of Israel; Noah's arks are recreated and dedicated to Jesus, and Jesus is even booed off the stage during Heaven's hilarious Gong Show. But something unspeakable is unfolding on Earth, and it's a far cry from eternal bliss as Jesus' return to earth draws near. Unrestrained evil starts a seven year reign and catastrophic events plague the earth. Billions starve to death, perish from infection and disease, are murdered and are forced to bear the dreaded symbol of the beast (666). The moon drips blood, stars fall from the sky, and the World Army hunts innocent victims during a bloody spree of murder. Caught in the middle are Ellen's four eldest sons and time is running out. Turning to the only one who can save them, Ellen pleads her case to the Messiah. Ultimately, her sons must make the decision to turn to Christ. But in order to inherit life eternal, they must be willing to lay down their physical lives.
