Transcendence and Non-Naturalism in Early Chinese Thought | 做自己 - 2024年9月

Transcendence and Non-Naturalism in Early Chinese Thought

作者:McLeod, Alexus,Brown, Joshua R.

Alexus McLeod is Associate Professor in Philosophy and Asian/Asian American Studies at the University of Connecticut, USA. He has published numerous books and articles in Chinese and Comparative Philosophy. Theories of Chinese Philosophy (Rowman and Littlefield International) has appeared in print, and Philosophy of the Ancient Maya: Lords of Time is forthcoming (Lexington Books). Joshua R. Brown is Assistant Professor in Theology at Mount St. Mary’s University, USA. He has published several articles in the fields of comparative and systematic theologies, focusing on Confucian Philosophy in the Pre-Qin through Han periods. He has articles forthcoming in Theological Studies, The Heythrop Journal, Pro Ecclesia, and Nova et Vetera.
