【問題】Please stay healthy?推薦回答

作者:Karan, Prabhash

The sweetness of wellness is better realized through the bitterness of illness. The book, Health and Medical Care, dispenses first-aid care and preventive measure in many of our common illness. Thi...

作者:Karan, Prabhash

The sweetness of wellness is better realized through the bitterness of illness. The book, Health and Medical Care, dispenses first-aid care and preventive measure in many of our common illness. Thi...

作者:Perinchief, Karen

My book is to help you start running in an easy, simple way if you have asthma. Some people may say running is boring, and others may find it enjoyable. Running can be made easy and fun even if you...

作者:Perinchief, Karen

My book is to help you start running in an easy, simple way if you have asthma. Some people may say running is boring, and others may find it enjoyable. Running can be made easy and fun even if you...

作者:Nestle, Marion/ Pollan, Michael (FRW)

We all witness, in advertising and on supermarket shelves, the fierce competition for our food dollars. In this engrossing expos , Marion Nestle goes behind the scenes to reveal how the competition...

作者:Abigail, Ms.

FINALLY DIET FREE & STRESS FREE HEALTHY LIVING What if your dream came true? What if God said you could eat whatever you want and stay healthy without gaining weight? LOOK NO FURTHER. Your best da...

作者:Lacasse, Sonia

A quick flip through the pages of this elegantly designed cookbook will convince you that eating healthy, wholesome food doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice pleasure or flavor, and that making ...

作者:Guest, Cornelia/ Reverand, Diane (CON)

Daughter of fashion icon C. Z. Guest and Winston Frederick Churchill Guest, polo champion and heir to the Phipps steel fortune, Cornelia Guest resisted eating animal products from childhood because...

作者:Michalowicz, Mike

經營事業就像種南瓜,與其種一整田賣不出去的小南瓜,不如專注培植幾顆會得獎的大南瓜!   這本書是為了尋求事業突破成長的主管而寫的……  不管你是自行創業者,身負重任的專業經理人,或者管理一個小部門,  「南瓜計畫」都可作為你今年的年度計畫。   郊區的南瓜田裡,長滿各式南瓜,顧客卻偏愛其中一個瓜農,他的田裡有個南瓜長得異常巨大,面前一張告示牌:「這是得獎南瓜。非賣品。」即便再多錢也無法將這個...

作者:Dyer, Kieran

Our book is designed to focus on various areas to help you understand how to diet safely with no fads, how to eat healthy making it much easier to avoid temptation and lastly how to adopt an exerci...

作者:Genie, Serene

Depression and Anxiety are the top 2 disorders of modern age, and Stress is their number one cause. Left untreated, depression may lead to suicidal inclinations, and anxieties may grow to crippling...

作者:West, Beverly/ Bergund, Jason

When Jason moves in with Bev, it's supposed to be temporary. But then Daisy the Chihuahua comes to stay. Just two-and-a-half pounds when they adopt her, Daisy is a charmer. And soon, an eater. Hot ...

作者:Jack, Kathleen

Are you on or off of the dieting yo-yo? I know from personal experience that there is hardly a sustainable moment where a person can relax and say that a lifestyle balance has been struck where the...

作者:Leman, Kevin/ Gallagher, Dean (NRT)

Boys will be boys--always.And no one has a more powerful impact on them than you, Mom. Surprise Your boy wants to please you, and he cares deeply about what you think. Those driving needs will sta...

作者:Jones, Catherine Cheremeteff/ Trujillo, Elaine B.

Heart disease is America's number-one killer. The correlation between high cholesterol levels and heart disease is proven., but the number of people struggling with high cholesterol grows annually,...

