
作者:Hertel, Mary

Mary Hertel is a pattern designer, teacher, and author. She teaches quilting regionally and online. Mary’s work has appeared in a number of magazines and she’s been featured on quilting podcasts an...

作者:Lyons, Kelly Starling

Kelly Starling Lyons is the author of Hope’s Gift and Tea Cakes for Tosh. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and daughter and son, who love collecting rocks just like Jada. Nneka Myers ha...

作者:Geer, Philip,Reiss, Stephen A.

About the Authors Geer, Philip Philip Geer, Ed.M., has taught English language and literature for more than 30 years in the United States and abroad. He has also prepared students for various stan...

作者:Lifeway Students

Lifeway Student Ministry is a full-service provider of student resources, including Bible studies, camps, mission experiences and training events. Discover Bible studies that ignite spiritual tran...

作者:Blyton, Enid

Enid Blyton, who died in 1968, is one of the most successful children’s authors of all time. She wrote over 700 books, which have been translated into more than forty languages and have sold more t...

作者:Vermeir, Nico

Nico Vermeir is a Microsoft MVP in the field of Windows Development. He works as a Solution Architect at Inetum-Realdolmen Belgium since 2010. He spends a lot of time on keeping up with the rapidly...

作者:Jacobson, Jennifer Richard

Jennifer Richard Jacobson is the award-winning author of many books for children and young adults including the Andy Shane early-reader series and Crashing in Love. A graduate of the Harvard Gradua...

作者:Lyons, Kelly Starling

Kelly Starling Lyons is the author of Hope’s Gift and Tea Cakes for Tosh. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and daughter and son, who love collecting rocks just like Jada. Nneka Myers ha...

作者:Claringbould, Michael John

Michael John Claringbould was raised in Papua New Guinea, where he became fascinated by the Pacific air war. An extensive career in the Australian Foreign Service saw him complete six postings with...


因為有你對我好,就連我的平凡,也彷彿成為這世上獨一無二的存在。 我知道自己一直都不夠完美, 也知道,像我這樣平凡的女孩,喜歡上一個人的心情,是多麼天真又多麼傻。 然而,只要一點點,每當他對我好一點點,就已經足夠成為我生命中最美好的記憶。 那一年,是他改變了我,膽小而自卑的我。他的保護,使我黯然的日子也從此閃閃發著光。 好幾年過去,我想起的,不再是那些傷人的玩笑; 而是他穿著白襯衫的背影,和他...


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