【問題】jo malone香氛蠟燭推薦?推薦回答


本書為《手作夢幻鞋》改版新書。 物價越來越貴,但好想再添一雙新鞋?鞋櫃裡明明好多鞋,卻越看越礙眼,到底「最美的鞋」在哪裡?只要用簡單的工具、隨手可得的材料,再加上妳無盡的創意就可以把舊鞋改頭換面,改造成獨一無二的專屬鞋款,賦予舊鞋新生命平庸變高貴,樸素變華麗,地攤貨變成專櫃鞋?這是怎麼辦到的?11位美國時尚設計師聯手出擊,為妳示範40款女鞋變裝秀。不管是夏天寵兒的夾腳拖鞋、優雅的高跟涼鞋,粗...

作者:Riew, K. Daniel/ Kim, Han Jo

Providing a step by step guide to cervical spine surgery, this invaluable covers all the major surgical procedures in cervical spine surgery, including tips and pearls for a safe and efficient surg...

作者:克萊兒.露易絲.杭特(Clare Louise Hunt)

  你的嗅覺敏感嗎?「好味道」能夠左右身心平衡、紓解壓力、去憂解鬱、定神安眠,甚至有助於杜絕害蟲,所以空間絕對需要好味道。  芳香植物天然、有機的香氛不僅有助於排除空間中的毒素,還能促使人體產生正面能量,排除體內的毒素。本書隨手拈來都是別具創意的巧思與驚喜,六十多個獨門妙招,教你巧妙打造一個乾淨、健康的家。春天的粉嫩色彩和清新氣息,夏天的強烈色調和撩人氣味,秋天的柔和色澤與質樸味道,以及冬天...

作者:Haldeman, Jo/ Thomas, Evan (INT)

For her first forty years, Jo Haldeman's life followed a conventional path. While her husband, Bob, built his career in advertising, Jo comfortably settled into her role as mother of four, housewif...

作者:Malone-lee, Lai Choo (EDT)/ Heng, Chye Kiang (EDT)/ Nasution, Ivan (EDT)

Population pressures and urbanization, together with the challenges of sustainable development, have, in recent decades, led to a proliferation of township developments which are termed 'eco-cities...


  腰大肌連結了人體上下半身,並與呼吸、動作、感受、能量以及療癒之間密不可分、環環相扣   腰大肌位於髖骨關節前側以及脊椎下端,是人體核心肌群的一部分。它是唯一一條連接上半身與下半身的肌肉,讓身體的重量得以順利轉移、產生動作,同時也幫助脊椎保持平衡,穩定身體的核心。     另一方面,腰大肌對我們的情緒與能量系統也至關重要。它和神經系統的關係密不可分,當腰肌放鬆時,深埋在體內的負面情緒得以...


  「我矯正狗,訓練人」──西薩‧米蘭在國家地理頻道《報告狗班長》節目中這句知名的開場白道盡了他的訓犬哲學,也道盡了他四十多年與狗朝夕相處的心得。究竟狗能教我們哪些事,啟發我們成為更好的人,讓我們創造出健康幸福的人狗關係?      全球知名訓犬專家西薩‧米蘭首度回顧他的訓犬生涯,他以學生的身分以狗為師,暢談狗兒教導他的那些最重要的事。他在節目中運用獨到的「能量」、「狗群領袖」與「狗心理學」...

作者:Summers, Haidee-Jo

Haidee-Jo Summers is an award-winning artist whose work has appeared in numerous exhibitions worldwide. Oils are her preferred medium, though she has written and taught on the subjects of acrylics,...

作者:Boaler, Jo,Munson, Jen,Williams, Cathy

作者:Labanyi, Jo,Delgado, Luisa Elena,Buffery, Helena

Jo Labanyi is Professor of Spanish at New York University, having previously held chairs at the University of London (where she directed the Institute of Romance Studies from 1997-2002) and Univers...

作者:Pink, Jo

Pile into the car and get ready for good times--not kids' whines A family road trip can be adventurous, economical . . . and a total bust with a carload of whining kids. But now the infamous "Are ...

作者:Florêncio, João

João Florêncio is a Senior Lecturer in History of Modern and Contemporary Art and Visual Culture at the University of Exeter. His interdisciplinary research navigates the intersections of visual cu...

