【問題】porcelain ceramic分別?推薦回答

作者:Leigh Ford, Kara

Kara Leigh Ford is the founder of Kara Leigh Ford Ceramics, where she creates and sells handmade, bespoke functional pottery inspired by the English coast. She has created an online community for n...

作者:Priestman, Seth M. N.

From AD 500-1000, the Indian Ocean emerged as a global commercial center, and by around 750-800 a sophisticated trade network had been established involving the movement of goods from Japan and Chi...

作者:Li, Longbiao

Longbiao Li is a lecturer in the College of Civil Aviation at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA), where he received his PhD. His research focuses on the fatigue, damage, ...

作者:Brass Monkey,Galison

Brass MonkeyVintage-inspired Smartassery Created by Mike Sayre and Melanie Bridges way back in 2020, Brass Monkey was founded on the idea that there’s a world between fine china and bobblehead doll...

作者:Li, Longbiao

Dr. Longbiao Li is a lecturer in the College of Civil Aviation at the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. Dr. Li’s research focuses on the vibration, fatigue, damage, fracture, reli...

作者:Sealy, T. H.,Leech, John

作者:Porcelain, Sherri L.

Sherri L. Porcelain is a Lecturer at the University of Miami College of Arts and Sciences, USA where she teaches global public health in world affairs with focus on Latin America and the Caribbean ...

作者:Phaidon Editors

Phaidon Editors are grounded in both academic and professional expertise in a diverse range of subjects including art, architecture, cookery, and design. Working with a broad and diverse panel of c...


  繼《謊言,假話,胡謅學─論美國宗教右派和台灣反同基督徒》與《同志亦基督徒》之後,本書是歐陽文風在同志基督徒系列中的第三部曲。在大量追求婚姻平權,與反同的論辯之中,這是一本來自一位虔誠基督徒的思索。作者歐陽文風脫卻宗教的保守枷鎖,但並未顛覆教義;他從基督教義,從歷史,從社會學種種角度,一層一層剖析,理路清晰,直指核心,尋回信仰的愛。 作者簡介     歐陽文風   原名楊文淩,馬來...


  本書作者以其宗教學訓練與經驗,探討台灣多元宗教文化的主體性。   一、從台灣「去宗教」的人文教育出發,探討宗教經驗如何被邊緣化,變成「非日常」的宗教現象。   二、剖析長老教會在「本土化」過程,如何在當代台灣社會以其一神信仰在多元宗教文化下,所面臨神聖詮釋的衝突與轉化。   三、買菜路過的市場裡的古蹟淡水龍山寺,如何以其民間佛教的儀式展演,開出對苦難救贖的盼望。   四、民間新興...


本書特色   ■他是周星馳,以前人們叫他星仔,後來人們叫他星爺!    本書從周星馳的少年講起,講他兒時受過的苦、上學時的功夫夢;講他畢業後為了夢想艱難奮鬥的過程;講他從事演藝事業後從星仔到星爺,由跑龍套到蛻變為巨星,以及所遇到的人和事。   ■周星馳:做人如果沒有夢想,跟鹹魚有什麼分別!    每個人都等待過,我甚至等待了很久,但我一直都有信心。   創作是我最喜歡的事情,當我在...


工業革命之前,影響世界最廣的器具,它的美麗與多變,讓世界為之瘋狂     ◎金鼎獎首屆翻譯獎得主鄭明萱一生顛峰譯作  ◎舊版書名為《青花瓷的故事》   西方世界爭相收藏 從太空艙到陶鍋,無處不見的陶瓷,發明於一千五百年前,一度是全世界貴族爭相購買的奢侈品。長達一千五百年,瓷器技術為中國獨占。與絲綢、茶葉等,都曾經讓整個西方世界為之瘋狂。而瓷器的精美、光滑、細膩,尤其讓歐洲人深深醉心,不但引發...

