
作者:Ross, Jim,O’Brien, Paul




作者:Miller, Dean




《黑面琵鷺》  最完整紀錄黑面琵鷺從出生到遷徙的自然生態書  每年十月初來台度冬的黑面琵鷺,體態優美,具有「黑面舞者」的美名,深獲台灣愛鳥人士的喜愛。本書詳盡描述黑面琵鷺生命史,並以珍貴圖片搭配解說,內容深入淺出,寓教於樂。   本書作者長期投入黑面琵鷺追蹤,曾兩度遠赴中國東北無人島上拍攝黑面琵鷺出生及成長影像,超過上百張珍貴的精采相片,以及黑面琵鷺生態特性內容,第一次完整呈現!《賞蛙呱呱叫...


Dru Jeffries teaches in the Cultural Studies department at Wilfrid Laurier University. He is author of Comic Book Film Style: Cinema at 24 Panels Per Second.

作者:Black, Jake/ Hill, Jon/ Miller, Dean

Relive the greatest moments, biggest superstar debuts, and key matches of WWE SmackDownThis action-packed anniversary edition covers 20 years of WWE's popular blue brand-SmackDown. Spectacular full...


Dru Jeffries teaches in the Cultural Studies department at Wilfrid Laurier University. He is author of Comic Book Film Style: Cinema at 24 Panels Per Second.

作者:Roberts, Justin/ Dreamer, Tommy (FRW)

If you ever wondered what it's like to be a giant wrestling fan and work at WWE under Vince McMahon and travel the world with co-workers who have been the stars of pro wrestling from the 90s throug...

作者:Alvarez, Bryan

Most WWE fans tune in each year to watch WrestleMania, remember the Monday Night Wars of the 1990s, and have heard the story behind the Montreal Screwjob. But only real fans recall the name of Stev...

作者:Kennedy, Bert

Have you ever found yourself flipping through the TV channels and run across one of those sites where it looks like a scantily clad fellow with muscles out the wahzoo appears to be tumbling head ov...

作者:Pantaleo, Steve

Learn the rules of the ring with WWE's biggest Superstars Read about where your favourite WWE stars train, their signature finishing moves, and who makes the biggest entrance in sports entertainmen...

作者:Dixon, James,Furious, Arnold,Maughan, Lee

