【問題】德州撲克 Online?推薦回答

作者:Chen, Zhen Troy

Zhen Troy Chen, PhD, FHEA, Senior Lecturer in Digital Advertising, London College of Communication, University of the Arts London. He is also Adjunct Research Fellow of the Griffith Centre for Desi...


  【特裝版商品內容】   ●本集小說(特別設計書衣)   ●台灣版獨家限定:   ‧巨大滑鼠墊   ※尺寸:W30 × L25 cm   ‧180萬冊突破紀念掛軸   ※尺寸:W30×L50 cm     ★慶祝中文版銷售量突破180萬冊!紀念特裝版登場!   ★在個人網站上連載時創下650萬人次瀏覽記錄!   ★多采多姿的世界引人入勝。掀起話題新世代網遊鉅作,...


  受神祕少女引導,為了取回亞絲娜的記憶,桐人的戰鬥就要開始──     只存在於「OS」中的迷之少女出現在尋找取回亞絲娜記憶的方法的桐人面前,   並得知為了找出真相就必須提升等級──   與掌握事件關鍵的瑛二展開最終對決,故事邁向最後高潮!!   桐人能否順利抵達隱藏在事件背後的真相呢……!!   本書特色     ★劇場版刀劍神域完全漫畫化!   ...

作者:種村有菜都志見文太BANDAI NAMCO Online

  人氣話題偶像節奏遊戲!   小說版官方漫畫化!   在找到失蹤的萬理之前,百決定加入Re:vale。   儘管是個前途多舛的重新出發,千會──…?   收錄「百載無窮」第3~6話!   描繪Re:vale過去的故事,終於來到感動的尾聲!  


Nora A. Draper is Assistant Professor of Communication at the University of New Hampshire.


Julie Sheldon is Dean of the Doctoral Academy at Liverpool John Moores University, UK.Victoria Sheppard is Researcher Development Manager at Liverpool John Moores University, UK


Julie Sheldon is Dean of the Doctoral Academy at Liverpool John Moores University, UK.Victoria Sheppard is Researcher Development Manager at Liverpool John Moores University, UK

作者:Kaplan Test Prep

For 80 years, Kaplan Test Prep (www.kaptest.com) has been helping students grow their knowledge, skills and confidence so they can be their best on Test Day. Our prep books and online resources pro...

作者:Anthony, Kate,Nagel, Deeanna

Kate Anthony is Fellow of BACP, ISMHO and ACTO, and is CEO of the Online Therapy Institute which trains and mentors’ practitioners in the use of technology in mental health and coaching services.De...

作者:Anthony, Kate,Nagel, Deeanna

Kate Anthony is Fellow of BACP, ISMHO and ACTO, and is CEO of the Online Therapy Institute which trains and mentors’ practitioners in the use of technology in mental health and coaching services.De...


玩樂性、學習性兼具, 讓我們擺脫傳統枯燥的學習方法, 用最快樂的方式學習越南語吧! 隨盒附作者親錄標準越南語發音解說音檔 QR Code, 邊掃邊聽邊學,學習更加分喔!     ◎越南語字母學習卡有什麼?     ‧字母+雙子音的學習,結合單字與發音解說,超實用!   54張標準撲克牌囊括越南語29個字母+11個雙子音,搭配超好學超實用的生活單字,以及超清楚超易懂的發音解說音檔,隨身攜帶最輕...

