
作者:Stephen, Timothy

Timothy Stephen, PhD, is professor of communication at University at Albany (SUNY) specializing in the interrelationships of language, mind, culture, the self-concept, and intimacy, and, particular...

作者:Sagan, Sasha

Sasha Sagan holds a degree in dramatic literature from NYU. She has worked as a television producer, filmmaker, editor, and speaker in New York, Boston, and London, and her writing has appeared in ...

作者:Gibbs, Ewan

Ewan Gibbs is a lecturer in history at the University of Glasgow.

作者:Gibbs, Ewan

Ewan Gibbs is a lecturer in history at the University of Glasgow.

作者:Holloway, Richard

Richard Holloway was Bishop of Edinburgh and Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church. A former Gresham Professor of Divinity and Chairman of the Joint Board of the Scottish Arts Council and Scottis...

作者:Fuhse, Jan

Jan A. Fuhse is a researcher at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany. After his PhD in sociology from Universit�t Stuttgart (Germany) in 2007, he completed a post-doc (funded by the Alexander ...

作者:Recio, Belinda

Belinda Recio is a recipient of the Humane Society’s Award for Innovation in the Study of Animals and Society. She has written numerous books--including Inside Animal Hearts and Minds and When Anim...

作者:Dalton, Tanya

作者:Gray, John

John Gray is the author of many critically acclaimed books, including The Silence of Animals, The Immortalization Commission, Black Mass, and Straw Dogs. A regular contributor to The New York Rev...

作者:Hartley, Tim

Tim Hartley is a journalist, broadcaster and author. He is a former vice chair of Supporters Direct and the Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust and a director of the Wales Football Trust. He is the auth...


活著,似乎是理所當然的事情。 但是,我們為什麼要活著?我們到底為了什麼而活著? 英國哲普作家巴吉尼的11堂哲學必修課, 是每一個人尋找生命意義的最佳導航工具! 生命的意義不能來自天啟的真理、宗教教條或神聖經文;相反地,必須訴諸理性與證據,以及所有人都可以理解並評估的論證。──朱立安‧巴吉尼 藉由理性嚴謹的哲學思辨,就能推論出「人生究竟值不值得活」。 我們為什麼會活著?生命的目的和意...


疾病和健康一樣,都是人的本質 它唯一的目的,是要我們超越對立、趨向完整   疾病,是內心世界的象徵。身體所表現出的事實,正是病人不願承認的部分。   疾病與健康,宛如太極圖的黑與白。兩者既對立又共存,同時存在於體內。   我們無法只要「健康」,不要「疾病」。身體的病,是心理的暗喻,潛意識透過它提醒我們內心的不完整,可以說是最忠實的朋友。   本書兩位作者為德國心理學家,一位接受靈性...

