【問題】Brown color palette?推薦回答

作者:Barnett, Mac/ Klassen, Jon (ILT)

 凱迪克金牌獎《這不是我的帽子》作者雍.卡拉森  精彩的寓言故事、絕美的視覺饗宴  小小的毛線隱藏大大的魔力  用神奇的毛線 編織出奇幻奧祕的旅程  樂觀又善良的安娜,以一雙小手改變了世界,  她將神奇的毛線編織成一道道彩虹,  為冷冷的小鎮驅走寒意、帶來溫暖與祝福……    拿下美國凱迪克大獎金、銀牌雙料殊榮的雍.卡拉森和曾獲愛倫坡文學獎的麥克.巴奈特,聯手打造了這個迷人、神祕又精彩的故...

作者:Bates, Kenneth F.

ENAMELING PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE by Kenneth F. Bates. Contents include: FOREWORD page 13 INTRODUCTION 17 I A BRIEF HISTORY OF ENAMELING Greek enamels Celtic enamels Byzantine enamels German enamel...

作者:Stelly, Matthew C.

When all is said and done, it's about the color of the skin. We are taught that "all politics is local," but the statement would be more accurate if it was, "all politics is racial. Because when yo...


  本書是市面上第一本專門針對寫實膚色畫法的完整繪畫教材,運用基本的繪圖技巧,加上顏色與光線的掌握,讓畫筆下的各色肌膚自然生動、容光煥發!   人像是繪畫中極為重要的主題,而皮膚的顏色恰巧是畫技上最難掌握的一環。世界上有多種族群,包括白種人、亞洲人、非裔美國人以及拉丁裔,他們膚色變化多端,如何在畫紙上捕捉不同膚色並自然呈現,是門很大的學問。本書作者畫家克莉絲賽普提供學習者簡單易懂的膚色畫法,...

作者:Brown, Carrie

This Christmas, consider everyday objects from a new point of view, embrace a fresh color palette, or give your children's handmade ornaments or special family heirlooms a new life. The inspiration...

作者:Shields, Steffie

A world-famous eighteenth-century British figure, Lancelot "Capability" Brown (1716-1783) is today considered the father of landscape architecture. Moving Heaven and Earth reveals the driven polyma...

作者:Mcbournie, Gary/ Richards, William/ Beall, Gordon (PHT)

.Featuring stunning photographs of the unique, colorful, and inspired interiors of Gary McBournie .Discover the never-before-seen inspirations behind McBournie's designs With a penchant for paintin...

作者:Buckley, Beth Benton

This collection includes some of the most stunning design environments found anywhere, accompanied by philosophies and inspiration from the interior designers who created them. The 30 contributing ...

作者:Jackson, Anna (EDT)/ Iwao, Nagasaki/ Screech, Timon/ Guth, Christine M. E./ Brown, Kendall H.

Kimono showcases a magnificent range of kimonos from the the Khalili Collection, which comprises more than 200 garments and spans almost 300 years of Japanese textile artistry.Gorgeously illustrate...

作者:Brown, Sydney Park/ Schoellhorn, Rick K.

From old favorites to new varieties, successful perennial gardening begins with this book. Whether you are just gaining an interest in perennials or have a long-time appreciation of them, this fou...

作者:Brown, Heather

Chomp Zoo puts kids in the driver's seat as they pull a tab to activate a working mouth, making their favorite zoo animals munch, bark, and chomp With a pull tab-activated working mouth, Chomp Z...

