【問題】Eva Lai 價錢?推薦回答

作者:Wittocx, Eva,Van Den Boogerd, Dominic

An amply illustrated examination of Vincent Geyskens’ work over the past ten year exploring of the position of painting in contemporary society

作者:Ginsburg, Simona,Jablonka, Eva

Simona Ginsburg is Associate Professor at the Open University of Israel, where she developed and headed the MA Program in Biological Thought. Eva Jablonka is Professor at the Cohn Institute for the...

作者:Muschik, Eva-Maria

Eva-Maria Muschik is a historian and an assistant professor in the Department of Development Studies at the University of Vienna.

作者:Chen, Eva

Eva Chen is a first-generation Chinese-American who grew up in New York City. She blames her deviation from pre-med at Johns Hopkins University on a love of fashion and beauty instilled in her by h...

作者:Muschik, Eva-Maria

Eva-Maria Muschik is a historian and an assistant professor in the Department of Development Studies at the University of Vienna.


活在世上的唯一理由, 就是為死亡作漫長的準備。 《百年孤寂》馬奎斯寫作的靈魂導師 諾貝爾文學獎得主福克納代表作  宛如《奧德賽》般壯闊的生死之旅 問世九十週年  名家葉佳怡詮釋完整新譯本 國立臺灣大學外國語文學系教授蔡秀枝  專文導讀 人物關係簡圖  清晰統整 15位主角祕密獨白與59篇章 成就文學史上最浩瀚的一段送葬之路 ☆名列「現代圖書館」二十世紀百大英語小說 ☆二十世紀美國最偉...


★ POPO原創網超人氣作家-LaI最新青春力作 ★ 獨家收錄隱藏版番外-〈時光碎片〉 我們三人能不能永遠是朋友? 不要吵架、不要分離,不要說你/妳也喜歡我。 妳不夠努力──母親的評價是趙琦心頭的一道傷, 為了迎合期待,她一直盡力當個乖巧的小孩, 其實,她好希望自己被肯定的不只是成績, 她好希望某天能拋開讓人窒息的課本, 盡情和朋友一起玩,即使一天也好…… 許多願望她藏在心裡,誰也不能...

作者:Elliott, Rebecca

Rebecca Elliott has illustrated many children’s books, including Kiss, Kiss Good Night. She wrote and illustrated the USA Today bestselling Owl Diaries and Unicorn Diaries series, Just Because, and...


※媽寶界翹楚.陳又津 向偉大的媽媽們致意※ 一起大喊:我媽寶,我驕傲!   「我是我媽的寶,我一直都知道。」 每一個女孩都是看著媽媽的背影長大的。 兩人逛夜市、美髮院弄頭髮、用衛生紙包著的珍貴物件, 就像是一幕幕魔幻電影場景,灑下的光影滿溢著母女兩人的愛意。     從仰望,到平視;從被保護,到保護。女兒與媽媽之間難解不斷的情緣,或許是這一世情人與上一世情人的對決,有時...


上天給我們第二次相愛的機會, 我卻開始擔心第二次的別離。 ★ POPO原創網 明星作家出版計畫簽約作品 ★ 輕鬆有趣的甜蜜筆觸,一看就喜歡上的幸福溫度 ★ 獨家收錄未公開之番外篇〈大學聯誼〉 每個少女的青春, 都曾因為某人的存在而閃閃發亮。 而我的青春,則是圍繞著薛赫這個男人打轉。 他是高高在上的學生會長, 也是照亮我平凡無奇人生的完美男人。 因為討厭那個在他面前患得患失的自己, ...


法國狂銷破百萬本,連奪9項大獎 日本書店「新井賞」獲獎理由 看完書,我覺得自己什麼都能做得到!摘自日版書腰   這世界逼她們的內心裂成碎片,   而她們用傷痕證明──   堅持自己所要的,就是最強大的反擊。   ★法國狂銷破百萬本,連奪9項大獎   ★全球賣出40多國版權,電影熱烈改編中   ★日本熱銷引爆話題,知名演員、偶像團體、小說家、文藝評論家、各大媒體接二連三,讚不絕口推薦   ...

作者:Bondebjerg, Ib/ Redvall, Eva Novrup/ Helles, Rasmus/ Lai, Signe Sophus/ Søndergaard, Henrik

This book deals with the role of television drama in Europe as enabler of transnational, cultural encounters for audiences and the creative community. It demonstrates that the diversity of national...

作者:Elliott, Rebecca

Rebecca Elliott has illustrated many children’s books, including Kiss, Kiss Good Night. She wrote and illustrated the USA Today bestselling Owl Diaries and Unicorn Diaries series, Just Because, and...

作者:Bowen, Claire,Nemeth, Eva

With a background in art history and, later on, environmental campaigning, Claire Bowen is a floral stylist based in South Oxfordshire. As well as creating flowers for events, she has collaborated ...

