【問題】Free Mahjong game?推薦回答

作者:Smart, Reading

作者:Paul, Christopher A.

Christopher A. Paul is Professor in the Communication and Media Department at Seattle University. He is the coauthor of Real Games: What’s Legitimate and What’s Not in Contemporary Video Games (MIT...

作者:Smart, Reading

作者:Goodenough, Tim

作者:Oram, Jean

Jean Oram is the mother of two and spent her childhood creating lists of boredom busters for her friends. She lives in Canada and is a NY Times bestselling romance author and stay at home mom.


  一切以遊戲決定的世界【迪司博德】──空與白終於擊敗神靈種。對於持續擴張的艾爾奇亞聯邦,全世界無不加強警戒,國內外緊張的情勢高漲──但是!……這些事姑且先放一邊。在城堡掛上『暫停營業』的牌子,放下內政不管的空白P,正傾全部心力要將神明‧帆樓打造成偶像……   就在混亂的情勢全力加速的時候,就像是看準了這個時機般,空的智慧型手機響起。位階序列第十位的『機凱種』……結束過去大戰的機械男子(愛...

作者:Publications International Ltd,Brain Games

