【問題】MS IDEAS PTT?推薦回答

作者:Tan, Bh

BH Tan is a leadership consultant, executive coach, and author specializing in leadership development in culturally diverse environments. He is president of Lead Associates, based in Singapore. Ove...

作者:Hanington, Bruce,Martin, Bella

Bruce Hanington is a professor and head of the School of Design at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Prior to this, he was director of graduate studies, and program chair of i...

作者:Klinger, Allen

Modern Digital Technology: From ideas to devices aims to expose elements of digital technology -- logic, code, flow, multiple kinds of programs, and underlying computational issues -- to a broad an...

作者:Smartt MS Ed, Jacqueline a.

Navigators Travel to Guyana is the follow up to Navigators Travel to Barbados written by Howard Liverpool. This time our intrepid explorers travel to Guyana and learn about the history and geograph...

作者:Conkling, Winifred

Winifred Conkling is a freelance writer specializing in history and health and consumer topics. Her articles have appeared in a number of national magazines including American Health, McCall’s, Con...


  致:每一位勤奮努力的餐飲人   說實在,開一家店不難,難的是開一家能夠·長·期·賺·錢·的店,   只要能成功,不管是加盟或直營,都是好店。     |台灣是創業的天堂?打造無數經營神話?|      綜觀台灣單一品牌餐飲店,   開店半年後仍可繼續營業的機率不超過40%,   一年後仍然存在的機率不超過20%,   三年後仍然存在的機率不超過10%,   能夠存活五年以上,恭喜你,你就...

作者:Rose, Tilly

Tilly Rose is a creative textile artist, designer and tutor who works in her studio based in the Cambridgeshire Fens, UK. Her work involves layering, mixed media collage, surface stitching and embe...

作者:Ruby, Laura

作者:Subramaniam, Suma

Suma Subramaniam is an Indian American author and volunteer for We Need Diverse Books and Society for Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators. She is a contributing author of The Hero Next Door (Pen...

作者:Pointer Adams, Julie

作者:Make Believe Ideas Ltd.

跟著蝸牛先生一起從1數到10,並把郵件送給他的朋友!     每麗的花園裡,蝸牛先生依序拜訪編號1~10的房子,把信件送給可愛的動物朋友。翻閱每一頁,利用手指沿著凹槽的路徑練習寫數字1~10,學習數字變得簡單又有趣!   本書特色     ★特殊凹槽設計,書寫時訓練手指靈活度,同時促進觸覺發展。   ★趣味翻翻頁,滿足好奇心,激發探索欲,培養良好閱讀習慣。   ...

作者:Bhargava Rohit,Coutinho-Mason, Henry

Rohit Bhargava is the founder of the Non-Obvious Company and entrepreneur having started three successful companies. He is widely considered one of the most entertaining and original thinkers and s...

