【問題】MY WATER?推薦回答

作者:Shannon Lee

  Bruce Lee's daughter illuminates her father's most powerful life philosophies-demonstrating how martial arts are a perfect metaphor for personal growth, and how we can practice those teachings ev...


「水,永遠都是放鬆卻做好準備的。就像有句俗話叫「一發不可收拾」。 「光有知識是不夠的,你得學以致用;光有決心也不夠,你得付諸行動。」 「如果你熱愛人生,那就別浪費時間,因為人生就是由時間構成的。」     ★亞馬遜傳記暢銷第1名,讀者狂讚:「現代人最需要的正念方法」!   ★《華盛頓郵報》、《新聞週刊》、《紐約時報》等暢銷作家專文推薦!   ★一出版即入選《今日美國》不可錯過書單!   ★至...

作者:Liu, Betty

Experience the sublime beauty and flavor of one of the oldest and most delicious cuisines on earth: the food of Shanghai, China's most exciting city, in this evocative, colorful gastronomic tour th...

作者:Lee, Shannon

作者:P. Jones, Michelle

作者:Da Prato, Mary/ Da Prato, Genevieve Devaney (ART)

Three-and-a-half to four year old children in the Primary Montessori prepared environment explore the earth's geographical features by pouring water over three-dimensional models of land and water ...

