
作者:Casey, Todd M.

Todd M. Casey was born and raised in Lowell, Massachusetts. His artistic education includes a BFA in Communication Design from Massachusetts College of Art in Boston. After receiving his degree in ...

作者:Nagumo, Haruyoshi

Haruyoshi Nagumo is Professor Emeritus at Digital Hollywood University and Director of a Leading Color Research Laboratory. He has developed a new color system - based on color image charts used by...


當代最強配色關鍵技術 全球78個設計工作室共同展演 視覺、色彩、訊息、情感、設計 一次搞懂商業設計的色彩策略KNOW HOW 創出超吸睛的玩色新視感!     「色彩的關係就像人際關係一樣,元素眾多、組合複雜,一旦掌握其中關鍵之後,就會事事順利、無限完美。」~ALEIX ARTIGAL     ▎了解「人」  才能做設計   從「看見」到植入「記憶」,設計師們想要吸引人們注意,運用「色彩」是...

作者:Thompson, Jo

Listed by House & Garden and Country Life magazines as one of the UK’s top ten garden designers and plantswomen, Jo Thompson has been the recipient of four Gold and five Silver Gilt medals at the R...


.獻給平面設計、網頁設計、插畫、服裝設計、室內設計工作者,與顏色愛好者的絕佳參考圖典。 .100幅作品的配色解析,提供RGB與CMYK色值,滿足參考需求。   這是一本滿足設計工作者專業需求的色彩靈感書,更是吸引色彩愛好者的20世紀視覺之旅。   作者以每十年為單位,簡要述說二十世紀的色彩演進,讓我們透視色彩的文化內涵、觀測流行的配色:首先登場的是新藝術的自然色調,接下來是二次世界大戰期...


Danilo Attardi is a well-known Italian fashion designer and professor. His innate passion and vocation for fashion emerged in his mother’s boutique. During his first year as a fashion student, he t...

作者:Railing, Patricia (EDT)

Treatises on painting between the 1st and the 12th centuries A.D. may have been many but those preserved are found in two manuscripts from the 10th and 12th centuries: the Mappae Clavicula and Erac...

作者:Standish, Chloe

作者:Railing, Patricia (EDT)

A French collection of recipes for painting on parchment, On Making Colours, by a painter, Peter of St. Audemar, possibly of the Benedictine Abbey of St Bertin at St. Omer in northern France. St. O...

