

最真實的唐朝,最好看的歷史!   這是一個氣勢磅礡的盛世帝國,這是一個讓人心馳神往的巔峰王朝,這是一個讓人無限嚮往的黃金時代。   唐朝無比壯麗輝煌,無比璀璨炫目,無數英雄在長安城前相競折腰,在風雲激盪的舞台粉墨登場,傾情演出一幕幕精采華麗的歷史大戲。至今,它的崢嶸歲月依然讓人激越慨歎。   唐朝是一部不朽的英雄史詩,是一幅波瀾壯闊的歷史畫卷,是一段氣度恢弘的光輝歲月,就讓本書帶你穿越歷史的...


  受邀繪製日本輕小說封面台灣第一人,日本出版界譽為光之魔術師的CG創作家VOFAN量身訂做全系列封面X內頁插圖!  暢銷書《沉月之鑰》系列作者水泉、知名奇幻繪者Blaze聯合推薦!  新浪讀書頻道、搜狐讀書頻道、騰訊讀書頻道、網易文化頻道、黃金書屋、起點中文網、龍的天堂、天下書盟等原創奇幻文學網站瀏覽人數及總點閱率破千萬人次!  大受好評的《十世轉生》第二部登場!  南方玫瑰又一力作,女性...




已故小說家吉田直的代表作。 「聖魔之血」長篇系列R.O.M.的第3冊。 亞伯與艾絲緹以米蘭公爵密使身份,來到了真人類帝國。 但艾絲緹卻被意外捲進了暗殺皇帝的計畫! 另一方面,獨自潛入皇宮的亞伯, 是否能見到女皇芙勒蒂卡…?

作者:Sheth, Kashmira

Kashmira Sheth grew up in India and one of her earliest memories is of her aunt’s wedding. Kashmira was four years old and she still cherishes the memory of the festivities in her grandparents’ hou...

作者:Lee, Lyla

Lyla Lee is the author of the Mindy Kim series as well as the upcoming YA novel, I’ll Be the One. Although she was born in a small town in South Korea, she’s since lived in various parts of the Uni...

作者:Sosa, Mia

作者:Sutanto, Jesse Q.

Jesse Q. Sutanto grew up shuttling back and forth between Indonesia, Singapore, and Oxford, and considers all three places her home. She has a Masters from Oxford University, but she has yet to fig...


David Robbins became president of FamilyLife in December 2017. He and his wife, Meg, desire to leverage FamilyLife’s resources and build upon the over four-decade foundation of the organization whi...

作者:Barker, Kate

作者:Ryan, Jennifer

Jennifer Ryan is the author of The Chilbury Ladies’ Choir, The Spies of Shilling Lane, and The Kitchen Front. She was previously a nonfiction book editor. Originally from Kent and then London, she ...

作者:Brown, Carolyn

作者:Birchall, Katy

Katy Birchall is the author of The Wedding Season and The Secret Bridesmaid, as well as numerous books for young readers. A former editor for Country Life magazine, she studied English literature a...

作者:Harvey, Kristy Woodson

Kristy Woodson Harvey is the New York Times bestselling author of nine novels, including Under the Southern Sky, Feels Like Falling, and The Peachtree Bluff series. A Phi Beta Kappa, summa cum laud...

