【問題】active lurker中文?推薦回答


Chris White is assistant director of the Center on Religion and the Global East at Purdue University. Fenggang Yang is professor of Sociology and director of the Center on Religion and the Global E...

作者:Liao, Haohsiang,Zhou, Kang

Dr. Haohsiang Liao is Senior Lecturer of Chinese Studies in charge of the Chinese Language Program at MIT. Before joining MIT, he taught at various institutions including Williams, Harvard and Ohio...

作者:Leung, Elly

Elly Leung is a research officer at the University of Western Australia. Since completing the doctoral thesis that explored how workers’ consciousness and mentalities were (re-) shaped by the State...

作者:Playbooks, Creative

Creative Playbooks stimulate children’s imaginations and dexterity by engaging their senses in creative ways with eye-catching graphics especially tailored to their age-group.

