【問題】challenge taiwan小鐵人?推薦回答


  出生剛滿三個月,父親就已擅自作主替風采妍訂下了親事,   還要她年滿十八先同居,大學畢業就出嫁?!開什麼玩笑,她才不嫁!   她有主見、嚮往自由戀愛、還懷抱歌手夢想,怎能被這段婚約綑綁?   當素昧平生的未婚夫上門來接她,她只能躲到樹上做小小抵抗,   可他投射的視線令她莫名心慌,她竟一時腿軟,失足跌進他懷裡?!   本以為他是隻弱雞,卻意外有著二頭肌,灼熱的胸膛剛強如壁,   深邃五官...

作者:Ash, Robert (EDT)/ Garver, John W. (EDT)/ Prime, Penelope B. (EDT)

Taiwan's rapid industrialization during the 1960s and 1970s, combined with the democratic revolution that began with the lifting of martial law in 1987 were of deep historic importance. Over the ne...

作者:Diamond, Larry (EDT)/ Shin, Gi-Wook (EDT)

New Challenges for Maturing Democracies in Korea and Taiwan takes a creative and comparative view of the new challenges and dynamics confronting these maturing democracies. Numerous works deal with...

作者:Ash, Robert (EDT)/ Garver, John W. (EDT)/ Prime, Penelope B. (EDT)

Taiwan's rapid industrialization during the 1960s and 1970s, combined with the democratic revolution that began with the lifting of martial law in 1987 were of deep historic importance. Over the ne...


  小野&吳念真,齊聲大動員!  走進台灣368鄉鎮,找到每個人心中的新故鄉!   從台東蘭嶼到台北天母,  從山線海線到離島平原,  台灣368鄉鎮,每個人都有自己的「新故鄉動員令」。  你.的.動.員.令.是.什.麼?   ◆夏曼.藍波安:「趕走核廢惡靈,還我們一頓零汙染的早餐!」  ◆張詠捷:「不要怨嘆冬天,這是老天賜予我們休養生息的機會,一到春天又將充滿活力!」  ◆林慶台:「到南澳...

作者:Jensen, Erik

Erik Jensen’s impressive diplomatic career, which involved postings and missions around the world from New York, London and Geneva to Bahrain, Nigeria, East Timor and Western Sahara, culminated in ...

作者:Jensen, Erik

Erik Jensen’s impressive diplomatic career, which involved postings and missions around the world from New York, London and Geneva to Bahrain, Nigeria, East Timor and Western Sahara, culminated in ...

作者:Bushell, Matt


賭上艾倫菲斯特的未來, 斐迪南將面臨最關鍵的抉擇!   隨書附贈:「神官長的選擇」雙面拉頁海報!   特別收錄:番外篇〈一掃十年前的悔憾〉、〈十年來的變化〉+〈輕鬆悠閒的家族日常〉四格漫畫!   貴族院二年級的生活迎來尾聲,羅潔梅茵重新回到領地。她除了與新弟弟麥西歐爾見面,到兒童室宣傳書本販售會,並在低年級學生中尋找近侍的候補人選。另一方面,她也滿心期待斐迪南的「剖魚教學」,還在領主會議...


獻給中小學生最優良的長篇閱讀入門讀物 暢銷得獎作家 鄭宗弦 專為青少年量身打造的本土奇幻小說,最新一彈! 這次要與故宮鎮院國寶〈快雪時晴帖〉來場超時空冒險! 讓我們一起阻止神鬼奇獸軍團擾亂歷史, 前進東晉解開「書聖」王羲之的墨寶之謎!   ★穿越時空為引子,啟發無限閱讀樂趣   ★故宮國寶為根本,增進孩子國學知識   ★歷史朝代為脈絡,觀照古今鑑往知來   「書聖」王羲之為什麼要寫〈快雪...

