【問題】d2 place玩具展?推薦回答

作者:Angleberger, Tom

Stick figures to the dark side only lead To doodle like a Jedi you must learn With this companion to the blockbuster bestselling Origami Yoda series, beloved author Tom Angleberger--with the help...

作者:Severance, Charles

This book is designed to introduce students to programming and computational thinking through the lens of exploring data. You can think of Python as your tool to solve problems that are far beyond ...

作者:Frankville, Frederick P.


  本書是以避免初學者踏上錯誤第一步的教學方式來撰寫,相信大多數的人基本的AutoCAD指令都會用,但如何判斷用那個指令最恰當及何時用什麼指令最有效率,及如何下手從無開始畫一張圖的規劃及建立,可能沒有太多的概念。   用對方式及程序讓一張圖,有統計有組織的建立出來,有時會比更快把它完成,來得更重要,這些需要先了解 AutoCAD 的一些基本軟體功能及結合圖學的製圖概念,才能事半功倍,而本...

作者:Itterheim, Steffen/ Low, Andreas

Create compelling 2D games with Learn cocos2d 2: Game Development with iOS. This book shows you how to use the powerful new cocos2d, version 2 game engine to develop games for iPhone and iPad with ...

作者:Frankville, Frederick P.

The US Marines fighting in Korea between 1950 and 1953 were often outflanked and almost always outnumbered-but they were never outwitted. The marines of Dog Company, Second Battalion, Seventh Regim...


  結衣在預知的影像中,看見了好友千波的屍體, 且得知國家的未來和千波息息相關! 為了預防萬一,黑暗神父一行人潛入學校要保護千波。   沒想到……千波的表妹美砂竟就是所羅門之子之一!! 黑暗神父將如何對付美砂所擁有的強大力量……?! 另外收錄了前傳『REVEREND D零』!!


  成分:引發電力的晶片。  效能:活化肉體以及恢復麻痺的四肢。  用法:請在正式上場前服用。不需要搭配水或開水。  年齡:沒有使用限制。不過需要擁有堅強的意志力和與運動選手相等的健全肌力。  一回量:為了避人耳目,一錠一口吞下。


作者:Beecroft, Simon

With these new classic Star Wars(r) Readers, children learn about the fantastic Jedi Knights, rogue Rebels, heroic allies, and evil Sith Lords that are loved by several generations. R2-D2, C-3P0, ...

