

  日本口碑熱賣突破25萬冊!高踞日販2011年度10大商業類暢銷書!   見過500位大老闆錢包的稅務專家告訴你,最受財神爺眷顧的錢包長這樣!  現在就去換掉你的錢包吧!   換掉「錢包」=換掉你的「人生」!   身為日本最負盛名的稅務專家,  作者在工作上時常會接觸各行各業的有錢人。  在實際觀察過五百位大老闆的錢包後,  他發現了這些大老闆們使用錢包的「祕密」。  究竟什麼樣的錢包才是...


Dr. Paul C. Guest, Ph.D, is a scientific researcher/writer with 37years of experience in the fields of metabolic and neurological disorders. This includes experience in both academia and the pharma...


Alberto Gobbi completed his residency in orthopedic surgery at the Medical Faculty of Milan University in 1988, and in Sports Medicine in Genoa, in 1992. He was one of the first Europeans to join t...


Ponnadurai Ramasami, University of Mauritius, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.


作者:Willard, Christopher,Abblett, Mitch,Kuwuhara, T. Koei

T. KOEI KUWAHARA, SENSEI, has been a teacher of aikido and iaido for 40 years. He is an acupuncturist focusing on Traditional Japanese Acupuncture (Hari style of meridian therapy), and Japanese med...

作者:Leifer, Gloria,Fleck, Eve


Larry Anderson is a bronze, silver, and gold certified lean practitioner (AME, Shingo, SME) with more than forty years of operational excellence experience. Larry is certified as a facilitator for ...


Rüdiger Ahrens, U of Würzburg; Florian Kläger, U of Bayreuth; Klaus Stierstorfer, U of Münster; all Germany.

作者:Studio Tac Creative

職人傳授的紮實入門功 六款長夾讓你習得手工皮革工藝的基礎技法   手機總是無處可放?現在就讓職人教你親手製作可搭配手機品味的質感長皮夾!內附詳盡圖文作法解說 & 六款長夾紙型   舉凡像是皮夾、錢包、收納袋等配件,都是我們生活中慣用的必備小物。對於它們的功能性和內部空間配置等過去被認為是理所當然的小細節,其實在製作工法上都有著讓成品更加美觀實用的學問。   本書選用長夾為主題,邀請多位...

作者:Stewart, Whitney/ Braun, Mina (ILT)

給孩子的5分鐘正念練習 遊戲中體驗靜心、同理心、專注力   獎項肯定:   Kids' Product of the Year, Creative Child Awards 2018   Parents' Favorite Products Award, Tillywig Toy & Media Awards 2017   專為孩子設計的50個正念練習遊戲,活動簡單有趣,5分鐘就能練習...

