
作者:Simon Ng

使用最新Xcode 10 × iOS 12 × Swift 4.2開發 知名iOS教學部落格AppCoda作家親授實作關鍵技巧讓你不NG   介紹iOS 12的新技術 × Step by Step實戰操作解說 × 做出具有設計感且支援雲端運用、地圖、3D Touch與使用者通知等功能的App × 支援最新的iPhone XR   本書是作者集結廣受歡迎的iOS教學文章,並收納全球數千名讀...

作者:Lewis, Rory/ Moroney, Laurence

This update of an Apress bestseller walks you through creating your first app, with plain English and practical examples using the latest iOS 7 software development platform and more. It cuts throu...

作者:Kaplan, Dean

Think you have the next great iPhone app idea? The Apress iPhone 5 App Sketch Book is an essential tool for any aspiring iPhone developer. This sketch book makes it easy to centralize and organize ...

作者:Preston, Scott

You have a great idea for a simple mobile web app. Or, you have a great idea for a complicated mobile web app. Either way, Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for iOS will help you build, fine-tune, and pub...

作者:Lewis, Rory/ Mello, Chad

So how do you build an application for the iPhone and iPad? Don't you need to spend years learning complicated programming languages? What about Objective-C and Cocoa touch? The answer is that you ...

作者:Das, Sribatsa

This book presents the architecture, functionalities, and data types supported by SQLite. It demonstrates how to use SQLite Command-Line shell. Then, the book presents the approach to use SQLite in...

作者:Lewis, Rory/ Easton, Ben (FRW)

The iPhone is the hottest gadget of our generation, and much of its success has been fueled by the App Store, Apple's online marketplace for iPhone applications. Over 1 billion apps were downloaded...

作者:Dannen, Chris/ White, Christopher

Beginning iOS Apps with Facebook and Twitter APIs shows you how to add the power of social networking to your mobile apps on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. With this book as your guide, you can writ...

作者:Apers, Chris/ Paterson, Daniel

About the Authors Chris Apers has more than 13 years experience in web technologies and mobile development, including the PalmOS, webOS, and iPhone. He is a technical manager and architect at Newsw...

作者:Allan, Alasdair

Turn your iPhone or iPad into the hub of a distributed sensor network with the help of an Arduino microcontroller. With this concise guide, you'll learn how to connect an external sensor to an iOS ...

作者:Wang, Wallace

If you've already learned the basics of Swift and iOS programming, it's time to take your skills to the next level. In this follow up work to the best-selling Beginning iPhone Development with Swif...

