

作者:Holiday, Ryan,Hanselman, Stephen W.

《The Daily Stoic》暢銷作家萊恩.霍利得╳斯蒂芬.漢塞爾曼 再度聯手 一起向斯多噶學派的哲人們,學習增強心理韌性、活出真正快樂的人生!     不管你此刻承不承認,但我們之所以讀哲學,是為了成為更棒的自己、過得更好。斯多噶學派深信這個道理。     2300年前,西提姆的芝諾創立了斯多亞學校,專門教授斯多噶學派的思想,將存於政治場域的思想辯論,引介到一般人的日...

作者:Hayward, Preston


Kalamu ya Salaam is an American poet, author, filmmaker, and teacher from the 9th Ward of New Orleans. A well-known activist and social critic, Salaam has spoken out on a number of racial and human...

作者:Lorman, Eleane

作者:Foster, Reginaldus Thomas,McCarthy, Daniel Patricius


針對中式麵點新手最常遇到的160種疑難雜症,搭配158款美味簡單實例操作, 以150,000字超詳細完整的文字說明,搭配5,000張定格式的彩色照片圖解, 即使是料理新手都能順利完成,是一套知識與實作兼具的中式麵點新手聖經!   由作者Carol本人親身的經驗,讀者來信提問,加上部落格留言,歸納整理中式麵點新手最常遇到的各式疑難雜症,透過詳細的實際步驟說明及問題解答,將20年來日積月累的經...

作者:Robertson, Donald

DONALD ROBERTSON is a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, trainer, and writer. He was born in Ayrshire, Scotland, and after living in England and working in London for many years, he emigrated to...

作者:Aurelius, Marcus

作者:Fenn, George Manville

作者:Fenn, George Manville
