【問題】ms ideas價位ptt?推薦回答

作者:Somer, Murat

Murat Somer is Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Koç University in Istanbul, Turkey.

作者:Tan, Bh

BH Tan is a leadership consultant, executive coach, and author specializing in leadership development in culturally diverse environments. He is president of Lead Associates, based in Singapore. Ove...

作者:Klinger, Allen

Modern Digital Technology: From ideas to devices aims to expose elements of digital technology -- logic, code, flow, multiple kinds of programs, and underlying computational issues -- to a broad an...

作者:Yoon, Joy

Joy Yoon is a writer, editor, and creative consultant. Her writing has appeared in The New Order, Paper, DazedDigital, Complex, and Riposte, among other publications.

作者:McQuerry, Maureen

Maureen McQuerry is an award-winning children’s author, poet, and teacher. She is a former middle and high school teacher with a specialty in gifted education and has a master’s degree in early edu...

作者:Conkling, Winifred

Winifred Conkling is a freelance writer specializing in history and health and consumer topics. Her articles have appeared in a number of national magazines including American Health, McCall’s, Con...

作者:Beckerman, Gal

Gal Beckerman is a writer and editor at The New York Times Book Review and the author of When They Come for Us, We’ll Be Gone, which won the National Jewish Book Award and Sami Rohr Prize and was n...

作者:McQuerry, Maureen

Maureen McQuerry is an award-winning children’s author, poet, and teacher. She is a former middle and high school teacher with a specialty in gifted education and has a master’s degree in early edu...


日本亞馬遜商業書暢銷排行榜第一名, 蟬聯日本蔦屋書店排行榜、紀伊國屋書店排行、 丸善、淳久堂、文教堂書店排行超過一年。     作者西村博之說:「大部分的工作,只要有高中學歷就能做,   你再怎麼努力,也很難跟別人不同。」   讀者留言:「如果我年輕時就讀到這本書,人生馬上翻轉。」     西村博之是日本PTT「2channel」的創辦人,全盛時期高達一千萬名用戶,   目前還擔任英語圈最大...

作者:Ruby, Laura

作者:Rose, Tilly

Tilly Rose is a creative textile artist, designer and tutor who works in her studio based in the Cambridgeshire Fens, UK. Her work involves layering, mixed media collage, surface stitching and embe...

作者:Lukes, Steven

Steven Lukes is Professor of Sociology at NYU. He has previously taught at the London School of Economics and the University of Siena, and is the author of numerous works including Emile Durkheim: ...


