

Anthony J. Vickery is Teaching Professor in the Department of Theatre at the University of Victoria. Glen F. Nichols is Professor of Drama at Mount Allison University. Allana C. Lindgren is Associa...

作者:Schachter, Michael

The aim of this book is to present a practical guide to therapeutic problems that may commonly face junior doctors. It is concise and relatively didactic, but does also discuss controversies that a...

作者:Treadwell-deering, Diane E. (EDT)/ Kober, Dana L. (EDT)

The Handbook of Autism provides comprehensive yet concise information about autism spectrum disorders to clinicians. A broad range of clinicians participate in the assessment and care of people aff...

作者:Heywood, Joseph

Joseph Heywood is the author of The Snowfly, Covered Waters, The Berkut, Taxi Dancer, The Domino Conspiracy, the ten previous Woods Cop Mysteries, Hard Ground: Woods Cop Stories, Harder Ground, and...

作者:McManis, Sam

Sam McManis has worked as a staff writer and columnist for California’s leading newspapers (the Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Sacramento Bee) for more than three decades. Until May, 2...


  過去宣稱能抗老、保青春的產品很多,除了傳統的維生素A、C、E與綠茶、胡蘿蔔素外,輔酵素Q10、多酚、左旋C、茄紅素、蝦紅素、免疫乳漿蛋白濃縮物及松樹皮、葡萄子抽取物等都曾大為流行,其實每一種各有利弊,須視自己的膚質做選擇。   根據最新醫學報導,目前最夯的應屬α硫辛酸;這原本是人體中的脂肪酸,具有抗氧化作用,但會隨年齡降低,必須隨時補充。   目前已知牛肝、深色蔬果(菠菜、青花菜、番茄)...

作者:Cock, James H.

作者:Stansfield, Charles A., Jr.

Charles A. Stansfield Jr. lives in Pitman, New Jersey, and was professor of geography at Rowan University for 41 years. He is the author of 11 books on the paranormal.


