

◎博客來獨家-附贈「波蘭比亞沃維耶扎國家公園」精美野餐墊(110*73cm)   繼人氣暢銷書《地圖》、《地下世界‧水下世界》 波蘭人氣夫妻檔作家全新力作,用一本書帶你環遊世界!     ★臺灣獨家∥作者親自手繪中文書名,獻給臺灣讀者最特別的獨家禮   ★精美跨頁∥手繪全彩超級大開本,將世界國家公園的美麗盡收眼底    ★知識漫畫∥妙趣橫生的圖畫故事,知識不再是冷冰冰的記憶與背誦   ★國際...

作者:Gibbs, Stuart

Ben Ripley enrolls in ski school, where the slopes, and the stakes, get really steep in this follow-up to the Edgar Award-nominated Spy School, Spy Camp, and Evil Spy School. Thirteen-year-old Ben ...

作者:Boak, David G.

"Originally intended as a few wartime sketches of the author's wartime experiences, to be read only by family and friends, the story was driven by its own momentum to become a detailed record of ho...

作者:Gibbs, Stuart

Ben Ripley enrolls in ski school, where the slopes, and the stakes, get really steep in this bestselling follow-up to the Edgar Award-nominated Spy School, Spy Camp, and Evil Spy School. Thirteen-y...

作者:Boak, David G.

"Originally intended as a few wartime sketches of the author's wartime experiences, to be read only by family and friends, the story was driven by its own momentum to become a detailed record of ho...


★《地圖》作者在台最新力作!★ 風靡歐美的「無字繪本」經典之作 沒有文字、沒有框架、無限可能、無限聯想、無限樂趣 孩子,是天生的讀圖高手 這套精心設計的繪本,一個字都沒有 卻隱藏了100個小故事 來吧!看看你與孩子找得出幾個故事? ★《地圖》作者首套無字繪本,繁體版親繪中文書名 ★全系列近100個角色,沒有文字卻能說100個故事 ★全景圖畫式生活百科,用一套書同時訓練孩子六大基...

作者:Gerritsen, Tess/ Sirois, Tanya Eby (NRT)

ICE COLDIn Wyoming for a medical conference, Boston medical examiner Maura Isles joins a group of friends on a spur-of-the-moment ski trip. But when their SUV stalls on a snow-choked mountain road,...


4,000多幅原創插圖,全球40多國讀者搶購珍藏 史上最獨特的手繪風世界地圖   超越4D  搜出世界的美好 你有環遊世界的夢想嗎?   《地圖》耗時3年製作,以52幅細細描繪的地圖帶領你遊歷世界   從最宏偉的高峰到最微小的昆蟲,以及各個國家的萬事萬物   超過4,000幅手繪插圖,不只畫出地貌和疆界   更讓獨到的文化特色變得超立體   Let's go!出發去擁抱世界吧!  ...

作者:Agaoglu, Basak (ILT)/ Green, Michael (EDT)/ Philomel Books

Nothing is so impossible that it shouldn't be tried. Even if you're a bunny hoping to fly. A tribute to teamwork, big dreams, perseverance, and those who don't listen when others say their goals ar...

作者:Philipson, Claire Leila

A stunning visual odyssey through Canada's most beautiful city. Nestled on the edge of the Pacific Ocean and cradled by the Coast Mountains, Vancouver is a breathtaking blend of stunning scenery a...

作者:Jasienski, Bruno/ Gauger, Soren A. (TRN)/ Piekoszewski, Marcin (TRN)/ Opris, Cristian (ART)

I Burn Paris has remained one of Poland's most uncomfortable masterstrokes of literature since its initial and controversial serialization by Henri Barbusse in 1928 in l'Humanit (for which Jasieńs...

作者:Lankford, Scott, Ph.D.

Lake Tahoe transformed America, and not just once but many times over--from the earliest Ice Age civilizations to the mysterious death of Marilyn Monroe. It even played a hidden role in the America...

作者:de Moll, Cathy

What does it take to move forty dogs, three sleds, twenty tons of food and gear, and six men from all over the world across nearly four thousand of the coldest miles on earth? Cathy de Moll, the ex...


  《地圖》   不會再有更特別的手繪地圖了,跟著這本地圖饗宴來探索世界吧!   波蘭人氣繪本作家夫婦歷時3年精心繪圖、知識考證   令人一眼就愛上的手繪風格,一起帶著好奇心去旅行   耗時3年製作,超過4000幅小圖,以52幅細細描繪的地圖帶領你遊歷世界七大洲、42國外加南北極!不只畫出基本地貌及國土疆界,更著力於特色城市、焦點人物、各地特有的動植物種、原住民族、歷史文化習俗或重大事件...

作者:Sebastian, Mihail/ Henighan, Stephen (TRN)

In the tradition of S ndor M rai, Mihail Sebastian is a captivating Central European storyteller from the first half of the twentieth century whose work is being rediscovered by new generations of ...

