【問題】Carl Lewis?推薦回答

作者:Yanyi/ Phillips, Carl (FRW)

Winner of the 2018 Yale Series of Younger Poets prize How can a search for self-knowledge reveal art as a site of community? Yanyi's arresting and straightforward poems weave experiences of immigra...


【科學飲食 X好蔬生活實踐】   吃素,是因為世界需要! 這本破除蔬食營養不良的迷思 當你自發性吃素時, 提供快速上手,無痛養成好習慣, 成就超級蔬食力!     ■ 什麼是素食、純素、蔬食?     「純素」(Vegan)是完全不吃動物製品:無肉、無奶、無蛋。「素食」(Vegetarian)就是不吃肉的意思,包含純素和蛋奶素,端視有沒有吃起司等乳製品而定。有些人會說「蔬食」(plant-b...


這是一個人獨力抵抗中國廉價傾銷的故事 也是一間家具工廠逆勢再起的偉大商業故事 更是全球化悲歌下的希望之聲  ▍湯姆‧漢克(Tom Hanks)大力推薦 ▍  已買下影視版權將製作HBO迷你影集!   當產業外移,「中國製造」大舉入侵   工作消失,過往生活的小鎮沒落如鬼城   失業的勞工問:「為什麼我們不能繼續在這裡做同樣的事?」   忙著關廠與外移的富豪們無視於此,唯有一人打算出面...

作者:Yanyi/ Phillips, Carl (FRW)

Winner of the 2018 Yale Series of Younger Poets prize How can a search for self-knowledge reveal art as a site of community? Yanyi's arresting and straightforward poems weave experiences of immigra...

作者:Darch, Craig/ Glance, Harvey (FRW)

From Brooklyn to the Olympics follows Mel Rosen from the streets of Brooklyn during the 1930s-'40s to his selection as head coach for United States track and field for the 1992 Barcelona Summer Oly...

作者:Blosser, Philip (EDT)/ Bradley, Marshell Carl (EDT)

This anthology offers an extraordinary illustration of the rich resources furnished by the philosophical tradition for anyone wishing to understand the basic and universal human concern of friendsh...

作者:Moore, Richard

The 1988 Seoul Olympics played host to what has been described by some as the dirtiest race of all time, by others as the greatest. The final of the men's 100 metres at those Olympics is certainly ...

作者:Harrington, Walt

When Walt Harrington was first invited to Kentucky to hunt with his African American father-in-law and his country friends--Bobby, Lewis, and Carl--he was a jet-setting reporter for The Washington ...

作者:McColman, Carl

From the author of the new BIG BOOK OF CHRISTIAN MYSTICISM comes an engaging look at how the principles and practices of Christian mysticism are illustrated in C. S. Lewis's Narnia series. Releasin...

作者:Lewis, Richard/ Titolo, Carl Nicholas (ILT)/ David, Larry (FRW)/ Murray, Christopher (INT)

Reflections from Hell presents decades of Richard Lewis' "dark comedic premises," jokes and reflections that are fantastically illustrated by the remarkable art of Carl Titolo. Lewis recounts that ...

作者:Lewis, Sinclair

The Trail of the Hawk, by Sinclair Lewis, is the chronicle of an inveterate Rolling Stone Carl Ericson, a born rebel against conventions, finds himself from boyhood up at war with the combined forc...

作者:Minowitz, Peter

Leo Strauss and his students have long been accused of mendacity, elitism, and militarism, but the Iraq War has prompted unprecedented levels of caustic and inaccurate denunciations. Inappropriate ...

作者:Zwart, Hub

This monograph contributes to the scientific misconduct debate from an oblique perspective, by analysing seven novels devoted to this issue, namely: Arrowsmith by Sinclair Lewis (1925), The affair ...

作者:Lewis, Lillian

"Any book that weaves together allusions to both Julian of Norwich and Biddy Early is worth checking out Add in a dash of mystery, Celtic romance, and wry Irish humor, and the result is this engag...

