
作者:Dolan, Brian


工業革命之前,影響世界最廣的器具,它的美麗與多變,讓世界為之瘋狂     ◎金鼎獎首屆翻譯獎得主鄭明萱一生顛峰譯作  ◎舊版書名為《青花瓷的故事》   西方世界爭相收藏 從太空艙到陶鍋,無處不見的陶瓷,發明於一千五百年前,一度是全世界貴族爭相購買的奢侈品。長達一千五百年,瓷器技術為中國獨占。與絲綢、茶葉等,都曾經讓整個西方世界為之瘋狂。而瓷器的精美、光滑、細膩,尤其讓歐洲人深深醉心,不但引發...

作者:Hunt, Tristram

Tristram Hunt is the director of the Victoria & Albert Museum and one of Britain’s best-known historians. His previous books, which include Cities of Empire: The British Colonies and the Creation o...


  以驚奇震撼世界!   ──約書亞‧瑋緻活(Wedgwood創辦人)   Wedgwood的瓷器「憑什麼」成為英使馬戛爾尼獻給乾隆皇的壽禮?   史景遷譯者溫洽溢,這次自己說故事,為我們揭開這樁文化趣事背後的時代意義。   一七九三年,十八世紀末,英國政府以馬戛爾尼為正使、首個派到中國的使節團,浩浩蕩蕩抵達乾隆帝治下的皇土。他們遠道而來,是希望取得在中國的通商貿易權利,但表面上則以祝...


來一場午茶之約, 享受撲鼻茶香、挑動味蕾的點心與茶滋味, 傳遞英式紅茶文化的美學與優雅     【跟著英式紅茶專家,深入紅茶文化的迷人世界】   如何品味下午茶?由英國名瓷Wedgwood、百年紅茶品牌Whittard、美國精品Tiffany、日本「午後の紅茶」等品牌指定茶會講師──Kelly,帶你深度體驗紅茶文化之美。     「下午茶」源自於英國十九世紀的維多利亞時代,其悠閒輕鬆、美好生...

作者:Jewitt, Llewellynn Frederick William

作者:Blaszczyk, Regina Lee

Originally published in 1999. Imagining Consumers tells for the first time the story of American consumer society from the perspective of mass-market manufacturers and retailers. It relates the tri...

作者:Wedgwood, Josiah/ Farrer, katherine Eufemia (EDT)

Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795) was a master potter who pioneered the industrialisation of pottery manufacture during the early Industrial Revolution. His experimental work on ceramics resulted in many...

作者:Wedgwood, Josiah/ Farrer, katherine Eufemia (EDT)

Josiah Wedgwood (1730-1795) was a master potter who pioneered the industrialisation of pottery manufacture during the early Industrial Revolution. His experimental work on ceramics resulted in many...
