【問題】傷膝蓋 3 大類危險動作?推薦回答


  你知道嗎?  全世界有超過五百種動物正面臨絕種的危機。   科學家也評估,每年最少有上萬種生物從地球上消失,  也就是說,你在學校短短一堂課的時間內,就有一個物種從此絕跡。   物種快速的消失將使人類面臨食物短缺的危機,沒有乾淨的水源可飲用,藥品的來源和研發也會受到影響。   因此,你準備好加入小小自然探險隊,和克萊兒三姐弟一起環遊世界,拯救瀕臨絕種的動物,保護自然生態嗎?   趕快打開...

作者:Koikari, Mire

Mire Koikari is Professor of Women’s Studies at University of Hawaii, USA. She is the author of Cold War Encounters in US-Occupied Okinawa: Women, Militarized Domesticity, and Transnationalism in E...


傷人的話憋不住,真心話卻來不及說 別讓一時失控的情緒,造成一輩子的遺憾! 日本精神科名醫的7堂情商課, 焦慮•不爽•寂寞•罪惡感•憤怒•悲傷•悔恨 7大負面情緒+17種心理困境,一次掃除!   總被情緒牽著走,走不出肆虐心底的風暴?   ◆和家人陷入冷戰,卻又拉不下臉破冰,後悔不已!   ◆上司爭功諉過,身為下屬卻被迫擋槍背鍋,超不爽!   ◆明天就要上台報告,擔心自己講話結巴,心底極度焦...

作者:Scoffham, Stephen,Rawlinson, Steve

Stephen Scoffham is Visiting Reader in Sustainability and Education at Canterbury Christ Church University, UK and is President of the UK Geographical Association (2018-19). Steve Rawlinson is Chai...

作者:He, Yong,Gao, Qing,Jin, Yifei

Yong He obtained his PhD degree in mechanical engineering at the ZheJiang University in 2008. He is currently a professor at College of Mechanical Engineering, ZheJiang University, China. He is als...

作者:Lin, Shisheng,Wu, Zhiqian,Qiu, Caiyu

Shisheng Lin, Zhiqian Wu and CaiyuQiu, Department of Information Science and Electronic Engineering, Zhejiang University

作者:Cider Mill Press

Good ideas ripen with time. From seed to harvest, the Editors of Cider Mill Press bring fine reading, information, and entertainment together between the covers of our creatively crafted books. Our...


~兒童版的解憂雜貨店~ 日本小學生最愛、狂銷逾三百萬本   身心俱疲的紅子做了一個重大的決定: 神奇柑仔店即日起暫停營業,她要去旅行! 不過,旅行途中卻接到留守的招財貓訊息,希望她趕快回到店裡! 柑仔店究竟發生了什麼事情呢?     神奇柑仔店9:消除痠痛地藏饅頭   一場專屬於紅子和黑貓墨丸的旅行即將展開,   他們在旅途中拜訪了老朋友,遇見需要協助的旅人,    甚至還有威脅他們的小男孩...


Professor Prem Puri is the Newman Clinical Research Professor at the University College Dublin School of Medicine and Medical Science and Consultant Paediatric Surgeon and Director of Surgical Rese...

作者:Márquez, Melissa Cristina

作者:Schwarz, Bianca M.

Bianca M. Schwarz was born in Germany, spent her formative years in London, and now lives in Los Angeles with her husband and teenage son. She has been telling stories all her life and holds a degr...

